Smart app for tourism
The Android application is developed in the android_app
branch whilst the server and all the microservices it is composed of is developed under the server
A working installation of java
and gradle
If you work with Android make sure to install the latest SDK and
To work with the Android app simply move to the SmartTourist
Build with ./gradlew build
Run tests with ./gradlew test
If you want to try out the app on your smartphone you can either install the debug or release APK.
First connect your smartphone and enable it to transfer files.
For the Debug installation ./gradlew installDebug
For the Release installation ./gradlew installRelease
There are three directory, one for service. Every service has his gradle project so you can use usual commands for build local project and test:
Build with ./gradlew build
Run tests with ./gradlew test
Furthermore, it is possible to build local version using Docker, and the command is slightly more complicated:
For auth service: docker build . -t auth-ms
and then docker run auth-ms -p 8080:8080
For other services: docker build . -t other-ms
and then docker run other-ms -p 3001:3000
, being careful not to use the same socket twice.