Visit the site deployed on Heroku.
This project was written using React. To run the app locally, from the root directory, run:
to navigate to the action-item-manager directory, install the required packages and build the app, next, run:
to do the same for the login page, then, run:
to navigate to the root directory and start the server on localhost:3001
You will also have to initialize a mongo database locally.
- Now specifies the team which action items are assigned to
- Can be deleted by team managers from the action item viewed from the Teams tab
- Admins/team managers can view the names of team members who have completed an item by clicking 'Completed by x/y members' on the detailed action item view
- Now organized under teams managed by the user and teams the user is part of as a regular member
- Managers can no longer remove themselves from the team in Team view
- Admins can no longer remove admins (including themselves)
- Disbanding a team now deletes all action items associated with that team
- Forms are now validated (can no longer create a team without a name or no set manager)
- Signup validation (password must be longer than 4 characters, other fields must be nonempty)
Our project is an action item manager that facilitates task management for any organization. An organization contains a list of admins and users, and may have any number of teams. Each team may be assigned one manager by an admin, which may be an admin or a regular user. Users may be members of multiple teams. Each team has a list of action items (tasks) assigned to all members of the team, which individual team members can mark as complete or incomplete.
To log in as an admin
, use username admin and password admin. To log in as a regular user, use
username/password user/user, user2/user2, user3/user3 or user4/user4. The views
for each user differs based on which team(s) they're part of, and whether they are the manager of said team(s).
The following table illustrates the structure of teams & users hardcoded into the code as part of Phase 1. A blank cell indicates that the user in that row is not part of the team represented by that column.
Team 1 | Team 2 | |
admin | member | |
user1 | manager | member |
user2 | member | manager |
user3 | member | |
user4 | member |
All users will be able to login when first visiting the website using their email and preferred password. If the user was recently invited to be a user on the website, they must enter the password 'admin' and change their password once logged in.
All Users can view a list of all their assigned action items regardless of team in the Action Items tab. Each action item on the list is represented as a panel which display its title, due date and status (completed or incomplete). The list is sorted by date (most recent first).
All Users can view their assigned action items by team by clicking the Teams tab, and clicking the team they wish to view action items for. All users (including admins) can only see action items for teams which they are a part of.
All users can mark any action items assigned to them as complete or incomplete on the individual page for the action item itself. This page can be reached by clicking on an action item on either the list of all action items, or the list of action items for some team the user is part of. The new status will then be reflected across the system (on the individual item view or list views).
All users can view their account information in the Account Info tab. Their first name, last name, email and role will be displayed. Users can also change their password by clicking the Edit Password button in the Account Info page, filling a new password in the input box and clicking Submit. Clicking the Cancel button will redirect back to the Account Info page. Users can change their profile information via the Edit Profile button. First name, last name, and email can be changed by inputting new names and emails and clicking the Submit button. Leaving any field unchanged will keep the information as it currently is. The Cancel button will redirect back to the Account Info page.
Team managers are able to change the title, description, and due date for any action item assigned to their team. This is done by navigating to the individual action item page and clicking Edit Action Item. The new title/description/due date will then be reflected across the system.
Team managers are able to see an additional piece of information for action items belonging to their team. On an action item page, there is a box displaying Completed by x/y members, where x is the number of team members who have marked this item as complete, and y is the size of the team. This label is also clickable. Managers can click onto the label to see more details on the users that have completed the action item.
Team managers are able to create new action items for their teams. They can set the title, description and due date on creation. To create a new Action Item, navigate to Teams > Team Name > Create Action Item, fill out the information and assign it to the team. The new action item will default to Incomplete and can be found in the Action Items tab.
Team managers are able to delete existing action items. When viewing action items for a specific team, there is a delete button allowing managers to remove action items from the system.
Team managers are able to manage their teams in the Teams tab. Navigate to the desired team, and choose Manage Team. There, managers can choose to add new users to their team by using the dropdown and clicking Add User. Likewise, they can view a list of current team members, and remove a member by clicking the remove button next to their name.
Admins have access to an additional page through the Admin Page tab, which contains all administrative functionality. In addition, they are able to create action items, add/remove users from teams, and view the status for any action item for every team.
Admins are able to view a list of all teams in the admin page, where they can remove any existing team by clicking Disband, and create a new team by filling out the form below the Teams table and clicking Create Team, with the new team's manager selected through the dropdown menu. If no new manager is selected, the team is created with the currently signed in user as the manager.
Admins are able to set the manager for any team in the organization from the pool of users in the organization using the dropdown menu in the Team Manager column. The currently set manager for a team is shown as the default value, and is absent from the dropdown list. If a user is selected as a manager of a team they are not currently a part of, they are added to that team as that team's manager, which is reflected across the system (in Teams).
Admins are able to invite users to the organization using their email. Admins will be able to specify their role (User or Admin), and their first name and last name. Invited users will then be able to login with their email and password 'admin'. Users will be able to change their password using the change password functionality described above.
- type: GET
- description: Serves the login-page react app
- type: GET
- description: Serves the action-item-manager react app
- type: POST
- description: Allows user to login
- type: GET
- description: Allows user to logout and destroys user session
- type: GET
- description: Gets the user information tied to the current user session
- type: POST
- description: Creates a new user
- type: DELETE
- description: Removes a user from the system given a valid id
- type: GET
- description: Gets a users information based on a valid user id
- type: POST
- description: Updates a users information based on a valid user id
- type: PATCH
- description: Updates a users password given a vaid user id
- type: GET
- description: Checks if the user is on a team given a valid user id and team id
- type: POST
- description: Add a user to a team
- type: POST
- description: Removes a user from a team
- type: GET
- description: Get list of all teams in the system
- type: GET
- description: Get information about a team given a valid team id
- type: GET
- description: Get the size of a team given a valid team id
- type: GET
- description: Get list of users on a team given a valid team id
- type: POST
- description: Get information about teams given a list of team ids
- type: PATCH
- description: Set the manager for a team given a valid user id and team id
- type: POST
- description: Create a new team in the system
- type: DELETE
- description: Remove a team from the system given a valid team id
- type: POST
- description: Create a new action item in the system
- type: GET
- description: Get information about an action item given a valid action item id
- type: PATCH
- description: Update information about an action item given a valid action item id
- type: DELETE
- description: Remove an action item from the system given a valid action item id
- type: GET
- description: Get list of action items for a team given a valid team id
- type: GET
- description: Get information about the users who have completed an action item given a valid action item id
- type: GET
- description: Get whether the user with user_id has completed action item with id
- type: POST
- description: Get list of action items for the current user
- type: POST
- description: Toggle the status of an action item from complete to incomplete, or vice versa