Add social network friendship feature to your Active Record models.
HasFriendship allows objects in a model to send, accept, and decline friend requests using self-refernetial polymorphic association.
Add HasFriendship to your Gemfile:
gem 'has_friendship'
After you install HasFriendship, you need to run the generator:
$ rails generate has_friendship
The generator will copy a migration that creates friendships
table. Run the migration to finish the setup.
$ rake db:migrate
Simply drop in has_friendship
to a model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
Now, User instances can send, accept, and decline friend requests:
@mac = User.create(name: "Mac")
@dee = User.create(name: "Dee")
# @mac sends a friend request to @dee
# @dee can accept the friend request
# @dee can also decline the friend request
A Friendship can also be removed:
# @dee removes @mac from its friends
There are three types of friends. They can be accessed using association:
Instances that sent friend request that has not been accepted yet.
@dee.requested_friends # => [@mac]
Instances that received but has not accepted the friend request yet.
@mac.pending_friends # => [@dee]
Instances with accepted Friendship.
@mac.friends # => [@dee]
@dee.friends # => [@mac]
Issues and pull reqeusts are welcomed.