Template::Resolver - A powerful, and simple, library for resolving placeholders in templated files
version 1.16
This module provides a powerful way to resolve placeholders inside of a templated file.
It uses Template::Transformer to interpolate the the placeholder values. The
provided template may refer to entity values directly (i.e.
) or through transformations (i.e.
${TEMPLATE_perl{property("my.truthy") ? "true" : "false"}}
You may also loop over hash and array entities like this (newlines and indentation
included for clarity):
${TEMPLATE{<MEMBER>.name}} is a member of the ${TEMPLATE{<CLUB>.club_name}} club.
You may access the key when iterating over hashes:
Resource, ${TEMPLATE:<RESOURCE.key>} is ${TEMPLATE{<RESOURCE>.deployed_artifact}}
You may also access the index when iterating over arrays:
Club at index ${TEMPLATE<CLUB.ix>} is ${TEMPLATE{<CLUB.name>}}
Creates a new resolver with properties from \%entity
and %options
if any. The
available options are:
Additional custom transforms that will be added to the standard transforms. Must be a hashref containing transform name to sub reference mappings.
The sub reference(s) will be called as a method(s) with a single parameter containing the contents of the placeholder. -
The operating system path format used when resolving
Will read the template and replace all placeholders prefixed by key
. One of the
options content
, handle
, or filename
is required. The available options are:
A string containing templated content.
The name of a file containing templated content.
A handle to a file containing templated content.
The template key, defaults to
Lucas Theisen lucastheisen@pastdev.com
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Lucas Theisen.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.
use Template::Resolver; my $resolver = Template::Resolver->new($entity); $resolver->resolve(file => '/path/to/file', key => 'REPLACEME');
# More complete example
use Template::Resolver;
$java_properties_file = <<'EOF';
# Simple value that will error if not present
server_port = ${TEMPLATE{app.port}}
# Simple value with a default (no error if not present)
context_path = ${TEMPLATE{app.context_path:/myapp}}
# Get an env var
http_proxy = ${TEMPLATE_env{HTTP_PROXY}}
# Translate a cygwin path with error if not present
module_jar = ${TEMPLATE_os{app.module_addon1}}
# Translate a cygwin path with default
module_jar = ${TEMPLATE_os{app.module_addon2:/var/local/lib/mymodule.jar}}
# Escape some xml (with blank default)
html_header = ${TEMPLATE_xml_escape{app.header:}}
# Run some perl
https_enabled = ${TEMPLATE_perl{ property(app.use_https) ? 'true' : 'false'}}
https_proxy = ${TEMPLATE_perl{ sprintf( 'https://%s:%d/', $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_HOST}, $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_PORT} )}}
# Custom stuff
db_user = ${TEMPLATE_customfetch{ 'dbuser' }}
my $entity = {
app => {
port => 80,
module_addon1 => '/var/local/lib/mymodule.jar',
use_https => 0,
my $resolver = Template::Resolver->new( $entity, additional_transforms => {
customfetch => sub {
#Do something here
return 'mydbuser';
my $transformed_result = $resolver->resolve( content => $java_properties_file );