A decentralized web of trust is a graph between users of a community. Nodes and links of the graph are maintained by single users in "node objects", without a central authority, and without a central database.
Usage: wot [OPTIONS] command [parameter]
help This help message
sign-toml Sign a node in TOML format
sign Sign a node
verify Verify a node object
add Add a node object to the internal db
ls-on List all the `on` found in the links of the objects of the internal db
ls List of the objects in the internal db that match the requested filters.
add-sig Add a trusted signature to the internal db
rm-sig Remove a trusted signature from the internal db
ls-sig List all the knwon signatures of the internal cache
view View a node from internal db
template-options-file Print a template options file
compose Compose a new node object
Create an electrum test wallet to sign messages (optional)
electrum restore --offline -w /tmp/wallet_wot_test "hope chase slush laptop wrestle main trouble project dismiss chalk click drift"
export WALLET=/tmp/wallet_wot_test
Compose a node object and add it to the local database
wot compose --start | \
wot compose --circle circle2 --profile-name name2 --serial 15 | \
wot compose --unit "USD" --value 50 --since 3 --to aa --on a --on b | \
wot compose --profile-key bc1qa37y5tnfcg84k5df3sejn0zy2htpax0cmwyzsq | \
wot compose --version v0.1 | \
wot sign | wot add
List all the node objects contained in the local database:
wot ls
View a single node:
wot view 0c70a23dadc5b8c7467c3a02b812cd130d45b8d080bffed86ca1141603578861
See doc/README.md
See doc/command_help.txt for the help output from the program.
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
build/src/wot help
Technical docs are generated with Doxygen: cmake --build build --target doxygen && x-www-browser build/doc/html/index.html
See test/README.md