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Non‐Interactive Mode

Luigi Nardi edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Non-interactive mode is HyperMapper's default operation mode. In this mode, the user passes to HyperMapper a configuration file for the optimization problem and the black-box function to be optimized. HyperMapper, then, handles the entire optimization process, calling the black-box function when necessary. For an example on how to use this mode, check our Quick Start Guide.

Note that:

  • HyperMapper will call the black-box function with a dictionary containing the input values as argument. The keys of the dictionary will be the names of the input variables as defined in the json file.
  • The black-box function must return either a number (when optimizing a single objective) or a dictionary containing all of the optimization metrics, including the feasibility indicator for constrained optimization problems. The keys of the returned dictionary must be the output parameters exactly as defined in the json.

Other modes

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