Source code for Roxy's Windows, a web game created for Stepford's Mobile Game Jam on Newgrounds in August 2022!
This web game, playable on mobile and desktop, is an interactive story-based game where you're free to take things at your own pace; learn more about Roxy and her friends through the files on her computer, organizing them as you please.
Bleak-Creep (Art, Writing, Design)
- The "Better Minimal" Web Template is a modified version of Sean S. LeBlanc's Better Minimal WebGL Template. Original link here.
- The Newgrounds API features are heavily dependant upon the Unity branch published on Github link available here.
- For security purposes, the personal API keys (i.e. Aes Key, API Key, Medal keys) have been stripped from this source code and replaced with placeholder values.
- My coding knowledge is largely self-taught. I've documented all functions and optimized where possible, but skilled coders are likely to find more efficient ways of writing the code within. Please consider this if you use any of the code within for your own projects! Consider this if you're using this project as a guide for issues that may pop up in your UI-heavy games. The goal of sharing this code is simply to share solutions that worked for me.