This is a script that generates an interactive geo heatmap from your Google location history data using Python, Folium and OpenStreetMap.
If you don't already have Python 3+ installed, grab it from You'll want to download install the latest version of Python 3.x. As of 2019-11-22, that is Version 3.8.
Here you can find out how to download your Google data:
Here you can download all of the data that Google has stored on you:
To use this script, you only need to select and download your "Location History", which Google will provide to you as a JSON file by default. KML is also an output option and is accepted for this program.
You can also import GPS Exchange Format (GPX) files, e.g. from a GPS tracker.
On, click the green "Clone or Download" button at the top right of the page. If you want to get started with this script more quickly, click the "Download ZIP" button, and extract the ZIP somewhere on your computer.
In a command prompt or Terminal window, navigate to the directory containing this repository's files. Then, type the following, and press enter:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the same command prompt or Terminal window, type the following, and press enter:
python <file> [<file> ...]
Replace the string <file>
from above with the path to any of the following files:
- The
Location History.json
JSON file from Google Takeout - The
Location History.kml
KML file from Google Takeout - The
raw download from Google Takeout that contains either of the above files - A GPS Exchange Format (GPX) file
Single file:
python C:\Users\Testuser\Desktop\Records.json
python "C:\Users\Testuser\Desktop\Location History.json"
python Records.json
Multiple files:
python Records.json locations.kml
Using the stream option (for users with Memory Errors):
python -s Records.json
Set a date range:
python --min-date 2017-01-02 --max-date 2018-12-30 Records.json
Advanced heatmap settings:
python -z 15 -r 12 -b 7 -mo 0.3 -mz 20 Records.json
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--min-date YYYY-MM-DD]
[--max-date YYYY-MM-DD] [-s] [--map MAP] [-z ZOOM_START]
[-r RADIUS] [-b BLUR] [-mo MIN_OPACITY] [-mz MAX_ZOOM]
file [file ...]
positional arguments:
file Any of the following files:
- Your location history JSON file from Google Takeout
- Your location history KML file from Google Takeout
- The takeout-*.zip raw download from Google Takeout
that contains either of the above files
- A GPX file containing GPS tracks
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path of heatmap HTML output file.
--min-date YYYY-MM-DD
The earliest date from which you want to see data in the heatmap.
--max-date YYYY-MM-DD
The latest date from which you want to see data in the heatmap.
-s, --stream Option to iteratively load data.
--map MAP, -m MAP The name of the map tiles you want to use.
(e.g. 'OpenStreetMap', 'StamenTerrain', 'StamenToner', 'StamenWatercolor')
-z ZOOM_START, --zoom-start ZOOM_START
The initial zoom level for the map. (default: 6)
-r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
The radius of each location point. (default: 7)
-b BLUR, --blur BLUR The amount of blur. (default: 4)
-mo MIN_OPACITY, --min-opacity MIN_OPACITY
The minimum opacity of the heatmap. (default: 0.2)
-mz MAX_ZOOM, --max-zoom MAX_ZOOM
The maximum zoom of the heatmap. (default: 4)
The script will generate a HTML file named heatmap.html
. This file will automatically open in your browser once the script completes. Enjoy!
Your LocationHistory.json
file is probably huge, and Python is running out of memory when the script tries to parse that file.
To fix this, download and install the 64-bit version of Python. To do this:
- Go to
- Click the link corresponding to your OS next to "Looking for Python with a different OS?"
- Click the "Latest Python 3 Release" link.
- Scroll down to "Files".
- Click to download the x64 release. For example, on Windows, that's the "Windows x86-64 executable installer" link.
- Install!
If this does not fix the issue you can use the stream option:
python -s <file>
This will be slower but will use much less memory to load your location data.
I'm getting a SyntaxError
when running pip install -r requirements.txt
or python <file>
. What am I doing wrong?
You are probably using the python interpreter to run these commands. Try to run them in cmd.exe or Windows PowerShell (Windows) or the Terminal (Linux, MacOS).
I'm getting the error message TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'max_value'
. What can I do to fix this?
Try to run:
pip uninstall progressbar
pip install progressbar2
You probably have progressbar installed, which uses maxval
as an argument for __init__
. Progressbar2 uses max_value