is a user-friendly wrapper for wob /
xob / overlay bars reading percentages from STDIN. It provides the brt
I created it because I found these tools nice, but a bit cumbersome to use. The idea is simple:
Run a pre-defined command, such as
brt volume_up
Get a nice overlay bar showing a percentage returned by the command
Grab a release from the releases page.
cargo install --branch main --git
For a complete CLI reference, run brt --help
The first step is to create config file. See example-wob.toml to get an example. I use this file with wob on sway on Fedora 33.
The config is written in TOML. By default, brt
will expect to find it in
, but another path can specified through the -c/--config
CLI flag.
It is composed of a process and an array of commands:
# required, name of the command to use
command = "wob"
# optional, array of arguments to pass to the command
args = []
# optional, path of the FIFO to create that will be used as the command's STDIN. Defaults to "/tmp/barrette_fifo"
fifo_path = "/tmp/barrette_fifo"
# optional, permissions of the FIFO in octal notation (prefixed with 0o)
fifo_mode = 0o600
# required, name that will be passed to brt when running "brt COMMAND"
name = "volume_up"
# required, name of the command to use
command = "amixer"
# optional, array of arguments to pass to the command
args = ["sset", "Master", "5%+"]
# optional, regex that should be used to extract the percentage from the command's output. Defaults to "([0-9]+)%".
# The regex is compiled and matched using rust's regex library. It must include one unnamed capture group. Percentage
# symbols ('%') will be removed.
regex = "([0-9]+)%"
name = "other_command"
command = "..."
Additional commands can be added in new [[commands]]
Admitting that we've run brt volume_up
with the config above:
- First, brt checks if the process is already running. If it is, it directly skips to step 4.
- If not, it checks if the FIFO described in the config exists, and creates if if needed.
- The process is started.
- The command matching "volume_up" is run
- The command's output is parsed and the percentage is extracted
- The extracted percentage is written to the previously created FIFO, followed by a carriage return (