- Install rust & cargo
- Install bundler
rbenv install
bundle install
(cd calculator && cargo build --release)
open 'http://localhost:4567'
ruby rustapp.rb
The shared library has to be compiled for your CPU architecture. On mac osx the Rust code is comiled to libcalculator.dylib and on linux it is compiled to libcalculator.so. It should compile to libcalculator.dll on Windows, but the ruby code will not work there unless you edit app/fast_calculator.rb.
The app has been tested under mac osx and linux. It can be deployed directly to heroku:
- Install the heroku toolbelt
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run rspec
heroku open
Remember to compile and commit libcalculator.so for linux before pushing to Heroku.
It may take a while for heroku to start the VM (e.g. 30 seconds). Be patient.