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Retreats in Österreich

Welcome to the project of Lukas Ziegler This GitHub repo is still in the making and the goal is to have a simple one-pager up and running, that can be used to validate the business case and the product-market-fit, before spending more design and engineering efforts.

If you are interested and equally as passionate, then reach out to me via the contact form.

The code base is based on the Jekyll blog theme "Dann" built by Artem Sheludko. Here is the live demo where you can see the original theme.


If this is your first time using Jekyll, please follow the Jekyll docs and make sure your local environment (including Ruby) is setup correctly.


To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run bundle install to install the dependencies, then run jekyll serve or bundle exec jekyll serve to start the Jekyll server.

I would recommend checking the Deployment Methods page on Jekyll website.

GitHub Codespaces

To get this project up and running on GitHub Codespances online, run the following commands

rvm install "ruby-3.0.5"
gem install bundler jekyll
bundle update
bundle exec jekyll serve