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Reversi (Othello) AI

By Luke Meier and Drew Hayward


Here we implement an AI to play Reversi (better known as Othello). This program includes four projects:

  • reversi-ui - a Windows Forms interactive tool for human vs. human, computer vs. human, and computer vs. computer game play.
  • reversi-game - the underlying functionality of the Reversi game.
  • reversi-ai - the AI component of this project. This utilizes MiniMax and optional alpha-beta pruning with various heuristics to search the Reversi game up to n ply.
  • reversi-data - driver code for testing and collecting data on computer vs. computer game play.


  • Ensure that hint.bmp, green.bmp, black.bmp, and white.bmp set to be copied to the output directory in VS. This setting is in properties of each individual image.

Reversi UI

This is a simple tool to play Reversi.

  • There are two sets of radio buttons. One for the black heuristic and one for the white. If the heuristic is anything other than Human, the computer will play with that heuristic on behalf of that tile color.
  • You can change the depth the solver goes to. We recommend staying beneath 8 ply.
  • Stop/Clear - creates a fresh game board.

Reversi Game

Game Manager

This class is the main interface with the Reversi game. Ideally, you never need to go past this.

  • Construct a new GameManager in one of three ways
    • For player vs. player game play, use GameManager([uint size = 8])
    • For player vs. computer play, use GameManager(heuristic, ply, opponentColor, [size = 8])
      • This creates an AI to play for opponentColor using the heuristic heuristic, searching up to depth ply .
    • For computer vs. computer play, use GameManager(heuristic1, ply1, heuristic2, ply2, [size = 8])
      • This creates two AI agents to play. Black plays using heuristic1 up to depth ply1, and white plays using heuristic2 up to depth ply2.
  • In order to take input from outside sources, use gameManager.OutsidePlay(Play p). This queues a play from an outside source, usually the reversi-ui project, but could be used to plug in other Reversi programs.
    • You must play a valid move given the current game state.
  • Advance one move forward in the game with Game newState = gameManager.Next();
  • At any point, get the state of the current game with gameManager.GetGame()\
  • At any point, reset the game with gameManager.Rest()


This class implements a single instance of a Reversi game.

  • Create a new game with new Game([size=8]) or copy a game with new Game(oldGame)
  • Use a play in a game with game.UsePlay(play)
  • game.GameOver() returns whether or not a game either has a full board or is in deadlock
  • game.Size() returns the size of the game board
  • game.PossiblePlays([otherPlayer = false]) returns a dictionary of possible plays, indexed by their coordinates on the board (i.e. Dictionary<Tuple<int,int>,Play>)
    • When otherPlayer = true, we calculate the moves possible if it were actually the opponent's turn.
    • game.ForkGame(play) returns a new game with the given play already used on the new game.
    • game.ColorAt(x,y) gets the color tile at a given position on the board. Possi`ble values for colors:
      • TileColor.BLANK
      • TileColor.WHITE
      • TileColor.BLACK


This class keeps track of possible plays and the tiles the plays would effect. Plays contain

  • TileColor game.Color
  • Tuple<int, int> game.Coords
  • List<Tile> game.AffectedTiles
  • Create a new Play(color, coordinates, tilesAffected) or new Play(color, coords) and let the class calculate the affected tiles.


Manages the game's board as a n x n matrix of Tiles.

  • Access Tile objects with board[x,y].
  • Use game.BoardFull() to check if all the spots on a board are occupied.
  • Use game.Place(x,y) to place a tile on the board.
  • Use new Board(size) to create a new game board.
  • Use new Board(oldBoard) to create a deep copy of a board.


Tile objects store their Coords and their Color

  • Create with new Tile(color)
  • Set coordinates with tile.Place(x,y)
    • This will return a InvalidOperationException if the tile was already placed.
  • In order to change the color of a tile, call tile.Flip()

Reversi AI

  • Heuristics: All heuristics take a Game object and a TileColor to optimize for.
    • TileCountHeuristic - calculated with 100*(MaxPlayerCount - MinPlayerCount)/(MaxPlayerCoins + MinPlayerCoins)
    • ActualMobilityHeuristic - if there are moves for either player, 100*(MaxPlayerMobilityVal - MinPlayerMobilityVal)/(MaxPlayerMobilityVal + MinPlayerMobilityVal). Otherwise, 0.
    • WeightedHeuristic - the difference between the weighted value of all the times owned by the max player and all the weighted values owned by the min player. NOTE: Only works on 8x8 boards.
    • CornersHeuristic - this is calculated as 100*(MaxPlayerCorners - MinPLayerCorners)/(MaxPlayerCorners + MinPlayerCorners). If max and min together are 0, return 0
  • To create an agent, new ReversiSolver(color, heuristic, ply)
  • To get a play from the AI, call var p = solver.ChoosePlay(game, [prune = true])
    • This goes to the depth of Ply, as set in the constructor. It only uses alpha beta pruning of prune is set to true
    • game.SetHeuristic(heuristic) sets the solver's heuristic to always optimize on behalf of it's own color. That is, if the solver is black, the heuristic will score on behalf of black.

Reversi Data

This is driver code for testing. It allows you to set most important things to compare and log the results.

  • TestHeuristic(heuristic1, heuristic2, ply1, ply2, boardsize) returns a tuple with the number of black and white tiles at the end of game play.


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