This gem is meant to help create and/or update the appium.txt file. Note that a prerequisite to using this gem is to have the device connected to the machine.
deviceName will be updated using adb devices
youiEngineAppAddress will be updated using adb shell ifconfig wlan0
udid will be updated using idevice_id -l
youiEngineAppAddress will be updated using
youiEngineAppAddress will be set to localhost
youiEngineAppAddress will be updated using
$ brew install libimobiledevice
$ brew install ios-deploy
$ gem install ipaddress
$ gem install toml
$ gem install yi_appium_caps_util
yi_appium_caps_util -u
if appium.txt is in your local folderyi_appium_caps_util -u -f *path/file*
to define the path/filenameyi_appium_caps_util -c platform
to create the appium.txt file.