I have a Bachelor degree in Automation and Computer Engineering obtained at Sapienza University of Rome and a Master degree in Automation and Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems acquired at Politecnico di Torino.
Here is a brief summary of what you can find in my repositories:
- Machine Learning MSc project “Data Augmentation techniques for Airbus ship detection”, fine-tuning of a Faster R-CNN for ship detection starting from aerial images of oceans and seas with a focus on data augmentation techniques to make the model more robust to image distortions;
- Reinforcement Learning MSc project “Guided Domain Randomization through Adversarial Agent”, Guided Domain Randomization through GAN-like approach with an Adversarial agent exploiting the Hopper from Mujoco;
- Modeling and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems MSc project, split in a first part of sensors system modeling resilient to adversarial attacks and a second part about the control of a set of magnetic levitators described by a certain dynamics exploiting a regulator and an observer from both centralized and distributed views;
- System and Device Programming MSc project OS161, based on the implementation on a simplistic Operative System like OS161 of low level functions allowing concurrent execution of programs through processes and threads in order to recreate a Shell;
- Network Dynamics, a series of three homeworks completed during the course and focused on modeling agent systems dynamics applying Graph Teory with the help of NetworkX Python library;
- Robot Learning MSc projects, collection of four homeworks committed during the course regarding:
- “Ekf”: implementation of an Extended Kalman Filter applied to a single and double pendulum on ROS.
- “Rl-fundamentals”: use of Gym Environment used to control the cartpole agent exploiting different reward functions.
- “Q-learning”: training cartpole with Q-Learning Temporal Difference algorithm.
- “Policy-gradient”: use of Policy Gradient algorithms like PPO and SAC from stable-baselines3 library.
- Web Technologies Bachelor project Cadmus, creation of a web site dedicated to robotics through HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript.
- Bachelor thesis “Contact force control between unstable robot and stiff environment with disturbance rejection”