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Lunar Doggo edited this page Jul 24, 2021 · 1 revision

What is it?

Implementations of IStartOptionValueParser are used to parse values for StartOptions


public interface IStartOptionValueParser


Signature Description
object[] ParseValues(string[] values) Parses multiple values into an object array and returns the result
object ParseValue(string value) Parses one value into an object and returns the result

Predefined implementations

This interface is further abstracted by the abstract class AbstractStartOptionValueParser which provides a first layer of parsing-handling by boiling the two methods of IStartOptionValueParser into a single method that has to be overridden by inheriting classes:

protected abstract object ParseSingleValue(string value)

If an exception occurs, the class will bubble it upwards as an ArgumentException

There also a few implementations of the interface provided by the library:

Parsed type Alias Parser
Boolean bool BoolOptionValueParser
Byte byte ByteOptionValueParser
Single float FloatOptionValueParser
Double double DoubleOptionValueParser
Int16 short Int16OptionValueParser
Int32 int Int32OptionValueParser
Int64 long Int64OptionValueParser