Pull account balances and transactions from FNB online banking.
When using this, it's recommended to create a read-only secondary user on FNBs online banking site.
npm install fnb-api
const FnbApi = require('fnb-api').Api;
(async () => {
const api = new FnbApi({
username: 'xxx',
password: 'xxx'
const accounts = await api.accounts.get();
const detailedBalance = await accounts[0].detailedBalance();
const transactions = await accounts[0].transactions();
await api.close();
// All monetary values are multiplied by 100
// ie R100,23 will be represented as 10023
[ Account {
name: 'FNB XXX Cheque Account',
accountNumber: 'XXX',
balance: 1000000,
availableBalance: 1000000 },
Account {
name: 'FNB XXX Credit Card',
accountNumber: 'XXX',
balance: 1000000,
availableBalance: 1000000 },
Account {
name: 'Savings Account',
accountNumber: 'XXX',
balance: 1000000,
availableBalance: 1000000 } ]
DetailedBalanceCheque {
balance: 1000000,
availableBalance: 1000000,
reservedFunds: 0,
pendingCredits: 0,
chargesAccrued: 0,
minimumBalance: 0,
pendingDebits: 0,
outstandingDebitCardAuthorization: -58156 }
TransactionCheque {
date: moment("2018-12-08T00:00:00.000"),
description: 'CAPE TOWN SERVICE C 409283*1927 06 DEC',
amount: -20264,
status: 'Successful',
reference: '7479059234715535760161',
serviceFee: 0,
balance: 1000000 }
/** The username to log in with. */
username: string;
/** The password to log in with. */
password: string;
/** Should scraped data be cached. Default = true */
cache?: boolean;
/** If scraped data should be cached, for how long? Default = 60 */
cacheTimeInSeconds?: number;
/** Puppeteer options */
puppeteerOptions?: PuppeteerLaunchOptions;
- Currently only cheque, credit and savings account balances and transactions are supported.
- Only the first page (150 entries) of successful transactions are scraped.