Convert PNG graphic to Triple Colour and RGB565 for Grove E-Ink Display, ST7789, PineTime Watch Faces and PineTime Bootloader
To convert the PNG image uart-cartoon2.png
(202 x 104 resolution) to C arrays
(black bitmap) and
(red bitmap)...
# Download the source code
git clone
cd pinetime-graphic
# TODO: Copy uart-cartoon2.png to the pinetime-graphic folder
# Convert the PNG file to a C array (black bitmap) with these min and max thresholds
cargo run -- --min 0 --max 85 uart-cartoon2.png >
# Convert the PNG file to a C array (red bitmap) with these min and max thresholds
cargo run -- --min 86 --max 215 uart-cartoon2.png >
Read the article "PineCone BL602 Talks UART to Grove E-Ink Display"
To convert the PNG image image.png
(240 x 240 resolution or smaller) to a C array
# Download the source code
git clone
cd pinetime-graphic
# TODO: Copy image.png to the pinetime-graphic folder
# Convert the PNG file to a C array
cargo run -v image.png >
Read the article "PineCone BL602 Blasting Pixels to ST7789 Display with LVGL Library"
To convert the PNG image 0.png
(240 x 240 resolution or smaller) to RGB565 image 0.bin
# Download the source code
git clone
cd pinetime-graphic
# TODO: Copy 0.png to the pinetime-graphic folder
# Convert the PNG file to a C array
cargo run -v 0.png >
# Compile the C array
gcc -o export-bin export-bin.c
# Export the C array as an RGB565 binary file
mv pinetime-graphic.bin 0.bin
Read the article "Draw your own PineTime Watch Face... From WebAssembly to Embedded Rust"
To convert the file pinetime-graphic.png
(240 x 240 resolution) to an RGB565 binary file pinetime-graphic.bin
# Download the source code
git clone
cd pinetime-graphic
# TODO: Copy pinetime-graphic.png to the pinetime-graphic folder
# Convert the PNG file to a C array
cargo run -v pinetime-graphic.png >
# Compile the C array
gcc -o export-bin export-bin.c
# Export the C array as an RGB565 binary file pinetime-graphic.bin
To convert binary file pinetime-graphic.bin
to HEX file pinetime-graphic.hex
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -I binary -O ihex pinetime-graphic.bin pinetime-graphic.hex
Read the article "MCUBoot Bootloader for PineTime Smart Watch (nRF52)"