Lusk is a modular, plugin-based project manager. It has a built-in plugin manager to add, remove or configure plugins. You can automate your operations easily and in a human-readable format, YAML!
What exactly is Lusk?
Lusk is... again, a plugin-based project manager. It is almost a wrapper for our custom plugin manager, so called Transits! Transits allow you to manipulate a shared context, you can do basic CRUD operations inside this context and use the data inside the context for your own applications. We've implemented our own plugin system to only allow actions, sub-actions and action extensions. With all of these combined, you get a basic document-based project manager.
What can i use Lusk for?
To manage your projects and automate certain build procedures. For example, let's say that you have several Javascript modules and you need to bundle them; you can write a Lusk document to tell Lusk that when a certain preset is called, certain actions must happen. After you write the preset details, you can runto run that preset to get whatever you've expected.lusk make [preset_name]
How can i get more details about Lusk?
You can check the wiki page:
Lusk is still in development progress, It might take a while for us to finish it since we have a lot in mind to do. You can star and watch this repo to get details as soon as possible.