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PhotoQt v4.8.1 - bug fixes and smaller improvements and additions

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@luspi luspi released this 13 Feb 22:51

This new release of PhotoQt comes not long after the last one. It does not have any major additions, but comes with a bunch of small bug fixes, some smaller improvements, and a few small additions.

Some of the additions and improvements include:

  • There were a few image formats not in PhotoQt's database that are supported by KDE image formats plugins: bmq, cine, cs1, dxo, jfif, obm, pdd, pxr, qtk, r3d, rdc, rwz, sti, x3f
  • The status info can be shown at the top left, centered along the top edge, or at the top right of the window.
  • The integrated navigation buttons in the window buttons can be set to only be shown in fullscreen and can be moved to the left or right side of the other integrated window buttons.
  • The weight of the fonts can be adjusted, for example if you find the bold fonts to be a little too bold and heavy you can reduce their weight a little.
  • A portable version of PhotoQt can be downloaded for Windows.
  • Photo spheres now support the same image features (including color profiles) as normal images.
  • Changing the window size is now immediately reflected in the image that is shown instead of only after a short time out.
  • The widgets that can float in from the window edges automatically hide themselves now when the window is resized and when the cursor left the window for more than one second.
  • The temporary devices that can be hidden in the file dialog now also include squashfs (as used by snaps for example).
  • The plugin for loading images with the libvips image library was improved to be more reliable.

Some of the bug fixes include:

  • Toggling options in the settings menu of the file browser works properly now.
  • Popping the main menu and meta data widgets in and out now properly works all the time.
  • The exit button to leave photo spheres no longer overlaps everything.
  • Controls for photo spheres are not draggable.
  • Photo spheres can now be once again entered even if the usually required metadata is missing.
  • There was a bug with applying translations for many strings in the last version.

These are many but not all of the changes for this version, a more complete list can be found in the Changelog.

Get involved

I love to hear from people using PhotoQt. In order to get in touch with me for feedback/support/etc., the best way to do so is by opening an issue over in the GitLab repository:

If this is not an option for you, then you can also always send me an email: %EMAIL%

If you want to help PhotoQt, there are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Join the translation team over on Crowdin. If your language is missing you can simply request it directly on Crowdin or send me an email and I can add it to the project.
  2. Give feedback of what you like/don't like, or what you think is missing from PhotoQt. To give feedback, send me an email or open an issue on GitLab.

If you are considering supporting PhotoQt by donation, please consider donating to the humanitarian relief in Ukraine instead, for example to the Ukrainian Red Cross.

Enjoy PhotoQt,
