Luis Wiedmann, Luca Wiehe, David Rozenberszki
We present DCSEG, a holistic 3D reconstruction and scene understanding method. In the core of our method we leverage pretrained 2D foundation models such as SAM to recognize uniform semantic concepts in 2D images of 3D scenes, and use these predicted masks as contrastive optimization targets from multi-view images to class-agnostic 3D instances and object parts. These features are then used to cluster the Gaussians in 3D with hierarchical clustering methods. Simultaneously, we use a 2D semantic segmentation network to obtain class-aware masks and aggregate class-agnostic parts into meaningful semantic instances. As a results we obtain 2D/3D instance and semantic segmentation on synthetic and real world scenes
For using this repository, you will need two conda environments. One for OVSeg and one for SAGA/OpenNeRF. It is impossible to merge both of them into one environment because OVSeg uses python>=3.8
and SAGA relies on python<=3.7
conda create -n dcseg python=3.9
conda install cudatoolkit=11.8
pip install torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 --index-url
conda install -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c nvidia cuml=24.06
conda install -c rapidsai -c conda-forge -c nvidia cugraph=24.06
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d
pip install tqdm plyfile setuptools==69.5.1 opencv-python joblib==1.1.0 matplotlib scikit-learn hdbscan imageio
OVSeg Environment (see here)
conda create --name ovseg python=3.8
conda activate ovseg
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 torchaudio==0.10.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install detectron2 -f
cd thirs_party/ov-seg/third_party/CLIP
python -m pip install -Ue .
cd src/third_party/segment_3d_gaussians
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate gaussian_splatting
pip install tqdm plyfile setuptools==69.5.1 opencv-python joblib==1.1.0 matplotlib scikit-learn hdbscan imageio
pip install -e submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization
pip install -e submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization_contrastive_f
pip install -e submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization-depth
pip install -e submodules/simple-knn
pip install -e third_party/segment-anything
conda create --name opennerf -y python=3.10
conda activate opennerf
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
conda install nvidia/label/cuda-12.1.1::cuda
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
python -m pip install ninja git+
cd third_party/opennerf
python -m pip install -e .
# Lets link the opennerf folder to our main repo folder (Feel free to link the to some remote file storage since they are quite big)
cd third_party/opennerf
ln -s dcseg/data data
ln -s dcseg/models models
ln -s dcseg/results/opennerf_outputs outputs
Download OpenSeg feature extractor model and unzip it into dcseg/models/
Download CLIP Model and place it inside dcseg/segment_3d_gaussians/clip_ckpt/
as ViT-B-16-laion2b-s34b_b88k.bin
Download SAM Checkpoint and place it inside dcseg/segment_3d_gaussians/third_party/segment-anything/sam_ckpt/
as sam_checkpoint.pth
Download OVSeg Checkpoint and place it inside dcseg/ov-seg/models/
Download the Replica dataset pre-processed by NICE-SLAM and transform it into nerfstudio format using these steps:
cd data
cd ..
python data_processing/replica_replica_preprocess #(comes from opennerf/datasets/
Download the scenes through their official website
Extract the data in the correct format as described in dcseg/src/data_processing/demo.ipynb
In the following section, we will describe the scripts that need to be executed to obtain a segmented reconstruction. Note that you can check out the
to see the complete workflow in a single file.
The pipeline is always broken down into the following parts:
- Preprocess Data
- Train 3D Representation and propose class-agnostic clusters
- Predict class-aware masks
- Assign clusters to masks
- Evaluate & Visualize
|-- dcseg
|-- data:
|-- nerfstudio:
|-- scannet_{scene}
|-- color
|-- depth
|-- intrinsic
|-- pose
|-- replica_{scene}
|-- images
|-- depths
|-- gt:
|-- models:
|-- ovseg_ckpt
|-- openseg_exported_clip
|-- sam_ckpt
|-- results:
|-- metrics
|-- opennerf_outputs
|-- ovseg_masks
|-- saga_masks
|-- pr_semantics
|-- semantic_labels
|-- splatting_models
|-- src
|-- data_processing
|-- replica
|-- scannet
|-- eval
|-- helpers
|-- mask_classification
|-- assignment_classifier
|-- mask proposal
|-- saga_seg
|-- third_party
|-- opennerf
|-- ov-seg
|-- segment_3d_gaussians
|-- utils
If you find this work helpful, please cite
title={DCSEG: Decoupled 3D Open-Set Segmentation using Gaussian Splatting},
author={Luis Wiedmann and Luca Wiehe and David Rozenberszki},