智能提示对与搜索非常重要,相对于机器学习来说,可以称为 集体学习,用集体智慧来识别用户查询,用很小的成本换来较大的收益
git clone git@code.csdn.net:lutaf/autocomplete.git
- node main.js
- 浏览器 访问
data/eng.txt 有一份demo数据
- 文本文件,一行一条数据
- 词语和权重值用 tab分隔
npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start main.js -i 4
Auto complte is on very important and search, relative to the machine learning, can be called the the collective wisdom of the collective learning, to identify a user query, use very little cost big gains.
UTF-8 code, can support Chinese, English or any other language
Nodejs can work stably in the production environment, recommended deployment using PM2