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Fabric network builder


You must have fabric checked out at $GOPATH/src/ and the branch luthersystems/master must be present (typically fetched from the remote

Build the luthersystems/fabric-network-builder container.


Mount your project directory under an identical path in the fabric-network-builder container and invoke the container with option --chown in order to have fabric-network-builder set the file owner/group correctly. In order for the container to run docker (compose) commands /var/run/docker.sock also needs to be mounted (for up, down, and install).

docker run --rm -it \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -w "$PROJECT_PATH" \
    luthersystems/fabric-network-builder \
    --chown $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) \

This pattern is best wrapped in a custom script. This project provides such a script as The wrapper script may be installed by refrencing it with a symlink inside the machine's PATH.

ln -s $(pwd)/ /usr/local/bin/fabric-network-builder

Usage examples here assume this setup and will invoke the docker container using the command fabric-network-builder.


Generate artifacts network artifacts (mainly crypto-config)

fabric-network-builder generate

Launch the docker(-compose) network and join the default channel "luther" with all peers.

fabric-network-builder up

fabric-network-builder expects chaincode source to be placed in the chaincodes/ directory as a CAR file when installing. Copy CAR files from the chaintools build/ directory

cp $CHAINCODE_PATH/build/$CAR ./chaincodes/
fabric-network-builder install substrate01 v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT $CAR

Initialize the chaincode using the fabric-client.yaml configuration file produced by fabric-network-builder to configure fabric-sdk-go.

shiroclient --config=/path/to/shiroclient.yaml \
    --fabric.client-config=fabric-client.yaml \
    init /path/to/substrate/phylum.zy

NOTE: See shiroclient for information about proper the contents of shiroclient.yaml

Terminate the docker network and destroy all containers when running the containers is no longer necessary.

fabric-network-builder down

Get fabric repos and checkout the v1.0.0 release. Note that the Github URLs provided are using SSH. Replace git@ with https:// if using https.

git clone $GOPATH/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout v1.0.0
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout v1.0.0

Build fabric images and utilities.

cd $GOPATH/src/
make docker
make release-all
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/src/$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH)/bin"

Build the fabric-ca image.

cd $GOPATH/src/
make docker

Running chaincode

NOTE: These instructions are deprecated and no longer directly apply

Network setup

Run to generate network artifacts and bring the network up.

./ -m generate
./ -m up

Chaincode installation

To install chaincode CAR packages copy the files to the chaincode directory and run to install the chaincode.

cp /path/to/ ./chaincode/
./ -m install -C mycc -V v1.0 -P

Instead of running the script can be installed by entering the "cli" container.

docker exec -it cli bash ./scripts/ mychannel mycc v1.0

Network teardown

When finished using the network use to stop/remove containers and delete channel artifacts. -m down

Full example

Destroy any existing network and generate a new one

./ -m down -f
./ -m generate -f
./ -m up -f

Install the prop chaincode.

# optional step if the chaincode has been altered and rebuilt
cp $GOPATH/src/ chaincode/

./ -m install -f -C prop01 -V v0.0.18-SNAPSHOT -P

Instantiate the chaincode.

NOTE: This requires prop01 cli to be installed which reads prop01.yml for configuration.

prop01 Instantiate '{"metadata":{"timestamp":"2017-08-17T01:05:22Z"}}'

Create a location for volume mounts

mkdir -p dockertmp/msp
mkdir -p dockertmp/enroll_user
chmod -R 777 dockertmp

Bring up the application network

chmod -R a+r crypto-config
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prop.yaml up

Tear down the application network

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prop.yaml down
sudo rm -r dockertmp/*/*