Anaconda is an experimental web platform for the visualization of environmental information to non-scientific audiences. The software is produced by several projects of the research group led by Dr. Buytaert at Imperial College London, such as Hydroflux India and Mountain-EVO.
The Yii framework is released under the BSD licence (see Licence_yii).
The time series visualization framework is released under the MIT licence (see Licence_tsvis).
All other parts of the software are released under the MIT licence (see Licence).
Recommended and fastest way to set up demo is to use Vagrant, with VirtualBox provider installed. Then from anaconda root directory simply run:
vagrant up
You can then directly access demo page in your browser at, and connect to anaconda postgres database at localhost:5433 (check Vagrantfile).
If you don't want to use Vagrant then please follow notes here.
Please follow notes here.
For more information contact Wouter Buytaert.
The time series visualization is based on Kaliatech's [dygraphs dynamic zooming example] (