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PHP Wrapper for Telegram Bot API

Bot Api 7.10 PHP >=8.2 Tests Status

A lightweight object-oriented PHP wrapper for the Telegram Bot API with full support for all the telegram methods and types. See all available methods and their parameters on the Telegram Bot API documentation page.


$ composer require luzrain/telegram-bot-api


The Telegram Bot Client is not hard coupled to Guzzle or any other library that sends HTTP messages. Instead, it uses the PSR-18 client abstraction. This will give you the flexibility to choose what PSR-7 implementation and HTTP client you want to use.


It is highly recommended that you use named parameters, as in the examples below, because the number and order of parameters changes between releases.

Example of initialising the BotApi with Guzzle client

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\BotApi;

$httpFactory = new HttpFactory();
$httpClient = new Client(['http_errors' => false]);

$bot = new BotApi(
    requestFactory: $httpFactory,
    streamFactory: $httpFactory,
    client: $httpClient,
    token: 'API_TOKEN',

Send message

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',

Send message with reply keyboard

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$replyKeyboard = new Type\ReplyKeyboardMarkup(
    oneTimeKeyboard: true,
    resizeKeyboard: true,
    keyboard: Type\KeyboardButtonArrayBuilder::create()
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Button 1'))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Button 2'))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Web App', webApp: new Type\WebAppInfo('')))
        ->addButton(new Type\KeyboardButton(text: 'Create Poll', requestPoll: new Type\KeyboardButtonPollType())),

// For keyboard remove
// $replyKeyboard = new Type\ReplyKeyboardRemove();

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',
    replyMarkup: $replyKeyboard,

Send message with inline keyboard

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$inlineKeyboard = new Type\InlineKeyboardMarkup(
    inlineKeyboard: Type\InlineKeyboardButtonArrayBuilder::create()
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Url button', url: ''))
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Callback button', callbackData: 'callback_data'))
        ->addButton(new Type\InlineKeyboardButton(text: 'Iinline query', switchInlineQueryCurrentChat: 'test')),

 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMessage(
    chatId: 123456789,
    text: 'Example text',
    replyMarkup: $inlineKeyboard ,

Send photo/video/document

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * Upload image from local filesystem
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendPhoto(
    chatId: 123456789,
    photo: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/15311661465960.jpg'),

 * Send image from the Internet
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendPhoto(
    chatId: 123456789,
    photo: '',

 * Upload Document
 * @var Type\Message $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendDocument(
    chatId: 123456789,
    document: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/files/'),
    thumbnail: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/thumb.jpg'),
    caption: 'Test file',

 * You can also use these methods:
 * SendPhoto, SendAudio, SendDocument, SendVideo, SendAnimation, SendVoice, SendVideoNote

Send media group

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

 * @var Type\Message[] $response
$response = $bot->call(new Method\SendMediaGroup(
    chatId: 123456789,
    media: [
        new Type\InputMediaPhoto(
            media: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/15311661465960.jpg'),
            caption: 'Test media 1',
        new Type\InputMediaPhoto(
            media: new Type\InputFile('/home/user/img/16176321866250.png'),
            caption: 'Test media 2',

Client Api

Webhook client

use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\ClientApi;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Event;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Method;
use Luzrain\TelegramBotApi\Type;

$client = new ClientApi();

// Handle any type of update
$client->on(new Event\Update(function(Type\Update $update) {
    // Any update received

// Handle /ping command
$client->on(new Event\Command('/ping', function(Type\Message $message) {
     * You can return any Method object from here, and it will be sent as an answer to the webhook.
     * Be aware that your cannot send methods with uploading local files from here, use BotApi instead.
    return new Method\SendMessage(
        chatId: $message->chat->id,
        text: 'pong!',

// Handle text messages
$client->on(new Event\Message(function(Type\Message $message) {
    return new Method\SendMessage(
        chatId: $message->chat->id,
        text: 'Your message: ' . $message->text,
