Provides utility classes to hook into Ratpack and provide traces via OpenTracing.
To use this library effectively, you will need to instantiate a Tracer
To create a Server Span for the duration of the request, and to extract any parent span from the incoming request
headers, you will need to add the SpanInitHandler
to your chain:
Tracer tracer = ...;
List<ServerSpanDecorator> decorators = singletonList(ServerSpanDecorator.StandardTags);
ServerOperationNameProvider nameProvider = ServerOperationNameProvider.MethodAndPath;
RatpackServer server = RatpackServer.of(
chain -> chain.all(new SpanInitHandler(tracer, decorators, nameProvider)),
In order to support other libraries that expect the active span to be set in a thread-local context, you will need
to install the SpanExecInterceptor
public class JaegerModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
JaegerTracer tracer = Configuration.fromEnv("my-service")
// Expose the Tracer to other dependencies
// Install the interceptor and bind our custom handlers
bind(SpanExecInterceptor.class).toInstance(new SpanExecInterceptor(tracer));
bind(SpanInitHandler.class).toInstance(new SpanInitHandler(
// Ensure that the reporter and sampler are stopped on shutdown
bind(JaegerTracerService.class).toInstance(new JaegerTracerService(tracer));
private class JaegerTracerService implements Service {
private final JaegerTracer tracer;
public JaegerTracerService(JaegerTracer tracer) {
this.tracer = tracer;
public void onStart(StartEvent event) {
// do nothing
public void onStop(StopEvent event) {