This is an implementation of a Python ray tracer base on Pete Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend books.
- Primitives: Sphere, Disc Triangle, Plane, STL Files (triangle meshes)
- Texture mapping: SolidColor, CheckerBoard, ImageTexture
- Noise textures using [Perlin noise]( for solid textures.
- Colormaps for noise textures. colorcet package included in requirements to provide perceptually linear
- Lighting: Point lights, Area lights (can use any Geometry with a point_on method -- triangle, disc,
sphere, etc.)
- Shadow rays for shadowing. Area lights drive their own shadow ray sampling for soft shadows.
- BVH (bounding volume hieraerchy)
- Multi-threaded GUI to provide image preview and ability to cancel an in-progress rendering.
- models: teapots, bunnies, etc.
- Install Python 3.6+
- For the gui version, make sure tkinter is available (type: python -c "import tkinter" to test). If this fails you'll need to install tkinter for your platform
- Download/clone this git repository
- install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
note 1: I have not tested the install on other systems. Let me know if there's an issue.
note 2: It is better form to put it in it's own virtual environment. See various web tutorials on how to do that.
The easiest with to run the program is to use the GUI:
type: **python**
Then Click on the start button to start the rendering. The image will be saved in the current working directory as rt.png (unless changed by the IMAGE_FILENAME environment variable.)
note: There are a lot of features that could be added to the GUI. Top of the list is to set the scene file from a command line option or menu item. For now it is hard-coded in the code. To change the scene, set the CREATOR_FUNC variable:
CREATOR_FUNC = create_canonical_1
There are several sample scene files in
The program can be run from the command line with:
There are a number of environment variables that can be used to control the execution. These can also be store in a .env file for convenience:
- SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL (int e.g. 50)
- SAMPLES_PER_LIGHT (int e.g. 100)
- USE_RES: low', 'med', 'high', or 'ultra'. Sets to the settings in res_settings. Each can be overwritten by the
variables below.
- X_SIZE: x size of the rendered image
- ASPECT_RATIO: aspect ratio of the rendered image -- used to calculate y size (default is 16:9)
- SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL: samples per pixel
- SAMPLES_PER_LIGHT: samples per light source
- MAX_DEPTH: maximum depth of bounces per pixel
- CHUNK_SIZE: size of chunks to calculate (e.g. value of 10 is 10x10 pixel blocks)
- RANDOM_CHUNKS: whether rendered chunks are in order or random (True - default)
- IMAGE_FILENAME: the file name to use to save the image
Python is a really bad language to implement a ray tracer in, as it's performance is really bad for tight loops performing lots of math computation. That being said a number of things have been done to improve performance:
- Initially everything was going through a Vec3 class which implemented methods, such as: dot, cross, add, sub, mul, div, etc. The dunder operator methods (e.g. mul) could multiply by a scalar (number) or Vec3. A huge amount of performance was tied up in isinstance calls (i.e. issintance(val, type.Number)). So the dunder methods were replaced to just work with Vec3's and mul_val and div_val added for scalars. This makes the code less readable, but sped it up a lot.
Lots of fun stuff left to do on the ray tracing:
- clean up:
- GUI - set params
- update material to: Ka, Kd, Ks
- better creator function handling
- features:
- ray casting
- use trimesh for mesh i/o?
- parallelogram primitive? - planar quad from two vectors... easy hit and UV? [rectangle a sub-class]
- intersection - or or rectangle:
- point on -
- profile / optimize (see performance below)
- de-noising
- more scenes and models (bunnies, dragons), sphereflake
- quads
- run batch / animation / save as animated GIF?
- importance sampling
- scene preview mode ( ?)
- OpenSurfaces (
- reaction/diffusion textures
- texture repeat/tiling/mirroring
- noise texture designer - gui to design noise functions - eval_func, parms, colormap & range, import/export settings, translate and scale, ...
- Performance:
- algorithmic improvements
- importance sampling. steradian based sampling on lights?
- sampling based on variance ( pg 215)
- hemisphere sampling ( pg 240)
- light importance sampling ( pg 269)
- de-noising ()
- numba
- compiled code: nuitka? numba? C routine for hits? (ctypes?)
- NVidia Optix ( &
- Embree/pyembree ( &
- replace Vec3 class with list of tuple
- implement hit in C.
- multiprocessing
- implement key data structures and functions in a higher performance language (i.e. C or Rust) and call from the Python.
- algorithmic improvements
One useful class in here is the framebuffer class. This is a generalized frame buffer. The FrameBuffer class has some simple methods:
- init(x, y, dtype) -- x size, y size and data type (see numpy for types). defaults to type uint8 for ints 0..256
- get_x_size() -- returns the X size of the framebuffer
- get_y_size() -- returns the Y size of the framebuffer
- set_pixel(x, y, val) -- set the pixel at location x, y to the value (val)
- get_pixel(x,y) -- return the value of the pixel
- make_image(mode) -- creates an image using PIL. For list of modes see pillow documentation. Defaults to "L" - 0..256 luminosity value. There are two functions (show_image and save_image) that can take the return value and show it on screen or save it to disk.
Len Wanger -- 2020