A simple rate-limiting express middleware acoording to IP address
It uses built-in memory cache by default, and you can use your own redis cache. No matter if you're behind a reverse proxy (Nginx, Apache...), you can get the same rate-limiting result.
$ npm i --save node-rate-limit
const express = require('express')
const RateLimit = require('node-rate-limit')
const redis = require('redis')
const app = express()
const cache = redis.createClient()
const limiter = new RateLimit({
max: 10, // ten times per duration
duration: 10 * 1000, // 10 seconds
cache: cache // redis instance
max: [optional] max times per duration. The default is 10.
duration: [optional] how long to keep the records of requests. The default is 1000 milliseconds.
cache: [optional] redis client instance. The default is memory cache.