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Singularity image build and script for Bioinformatics and *omics tools

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Biorunner: a collection of bioinformatics tools


Biorunner is a way to quickly install a controlled set of tools widely used in Life Sciences and Bioinformatics. For researchers, installing all tools manually can be challanging; with this collection, you have one chorerent set of all tools, with known versions, in a single image file.

Although developed for use on high-performance compute clusters in supercomputing centres, you can install the tools on a local workstation or even on your own computer, to have exactly the same environment locally as on the supercomputing centre.

Biorunner uses Singularity [1] for packaging all applications in a single image, and also needs it where running the applications. Installing Biorunner involves putting the image your PATH environment, adding a wrapper script that runs commands inside a Singularity container, and symbolic links for all commands availble in the Biorunner image, pointing to the wrapper script.

Installing a pre-built image

Rebuilding an image

For building your own image, you need, on the system where you are building the image:

  • singularity; version 3 or later
  • root access
  • at least 5 Gigabytes of free disk space
  • a good network connection

Now, become root; as root

  1. first, set the environment variable SINGULARITY_TMPDIR to a path where you have at least 5 GB of free disk space.

    If you do not set this variable, singularity will use ''/var/tmp''.

    To set it to, for example, a directory called "/scratch", do """ export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/scratch """

  2. Do """ singularity build biorunner-2019b.sif biorunner.def """

That is it! This may take a while, but after the build, you have a container image file "biorunner-2019b.sif". See INSTALLATION for further installation instructions.

Applications offered through Biorunner

Thefollowing applications are exposed through Biorunner:

From Ubuntu

  • bowtie2
  • samtools
  • ncbi-blast2
  • minimap
  • miniasm
  • fastqc
  • poretools
  • clustal Omega
  • clustal x
  • SPAdes

Through custom builds

  • Deepbinner
  • Nanopolish
  • trimAl
  • Filtlong
  • Racon
  • minimap2
  • Pilon
  • Unicycler
  • Mauve
  • PhyML, SMS-PhyML
  • Centrifuge
  • Hmmer
  • Prokka (v1.14.6)
  • nanopack

Software version list


Package Version
SMS-PhyML 1.8.4
Prokka 1.14.6


Singularity image build and script for Bioinformatics and *omics tools






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