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Influence Maximization for Partially Observable Networks with Varying Degree Assortativities


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Influence Maximization for Partially Observable Networks with Varying Degree Assortativities


Understanding how information disseminate in today's world has never been more important: individuals, companies, organizations, and governments face limited resources and increasing competition for audience attention in spreading their messages and encouraging actions. The influence maximization problem has a range of applications, spanning product marketing strategy, humanitarian crowdfunding, participatory data collection, and spreading awareness about health resources. Decision-makers must not only consider how their messages will be diffused within their direct sphere of influence — existing customers, social media followers, or current patients — but also how it will spread beyond what is known: friends of customers, followers of followers, or coworkers of patients.

The goal of information dissemination is to effectively spread a message as widely as possible within a given network. The influence maximization problem is to select the most influential members within a social network such that the outcome of the spreading process is optimized. Formally, given a directed network $G = (V, E, w)$ where $V$ is a set of nodes, $E \subseteq V \times V$ is a set of directed edges, and $w: E \rightarrow [0, 1]$ represents a weight function in which $w(i, j)$ is the likelihood of $j$ being influenced by $i$. Let an initial seed set $S \subset V$ of fixed size $M$ become activated. Then, each activated node $i \in S$ activates its neighboring node $j$ with probability $w(i, j)$. The goal is to find the initial seed set $S$ such that the total number of activated nodes is maximized.

However, the assumption of having complete knowledge of the full network is unrealistic. We often observe only parts of the network. Let $G' = (V', E', w')$ be the observable part of $G$, where $V' \subseteq V$ is the set of observable nodes, $E' = E \cap V' \times V'$ is the set of observed, directed edges, and $w': E' \rightarrow [0, 1]$ represents the new weight function whose range includes the weights of the edges belonging to $E'$. Thus, given only the observable part $G'$ of the network $G$, we want to find the seed set $S \subseteq V'$ of size $M$ such that the total number of activated nodes in the underlying network $G$ is maximized.

This work is inspired by Stein et al. (2017) which investigates different heuristic algorithms to select seeds for partially observable networks. The heuristic algorithms experimented include:

  1. Random Selection: Select initial seeds from the observable set uniformly at random.
  2. Random with Neighbor Activation: Select $M$ random nodes, and then for each node, activate one of its neighbors. This method is based on the friendship paradox.
  3. Degree-Based Selection: Rank known nodes based on degree, and select those with the highest rank as seeds. In the weighted version, attach a small extra weight to the ranking of neighbors of boundary nodes before selection, using the intuition that neighbors of boundary nodes likely have higher influence on unknown part of network.
  4. State-of-the-Art IMM algorithms with Limited Visibility: classic IM algorithms such as TIM (Tang et al., 2014) and IMM (Tang et al., 2015) developed for fully observed networks.

Stein et al. shows that the weighted degree-based method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms on the NetHept dataset — a collaboration network within the high energy physics theory community between 1991 and 2003 — particularly when network visibility is low. The paper also notes that the NetHept network has high-degree assortativity, meaning that high-degree nodes are more likely to be connected to other high-degree nodes and vice versa. Thus, seeding a high-degree node (using degree-based heuristic) can lead to good performance as it spreads influence to its high-degree neighbors which might subsequently influence the unseen part of the network.

This work focuses on the influence maximization problem on observable parts of networks with varying degree assortativities. To create new networks with different degree assortativities, we alter connections in a fully observable network by removing an edge $(u, v_1)$ and adding a new edge $(u, v_2)$ where $v_2$ is a random node different from $v_1$. In this way, we preserve the numbers of nodes and edges in the original graph. Then, for each newly generated network, we follow the experiment setup as in Stein et al. (2017): construct an observable part of the graph, run seeding algorithms, and simulate information dissemination using weighted independent cascade model. The results show that using weighted degree-based seeding method, low degree assortativity leads to higher average spread across networks with various visibilities. However, the performance of a low degree-assortative network is more sensitive to which part of the network is observable than in graphs with higher assortativities. See assortativity_influence_nethept.ipynb for code and results.


First, you must install and import dependencies:

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

After creating an networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph object called graph, you can simulate an observable part of the network with given target visibility, select seeds, and run a weighted independent cascade model on the network as follows:

from models.observableSubgraph import create_subgraph, simulate_observable_nodes
from models.seeding import Seeding
from models.independentCascade import IndependentCascade

fully_observ_O, boundary_nodes = simulate_observable_nodes(graph, target_visibility = 0.1)
observable_nodes = fully_observ_O + boundary_nodes
observable_graph = create_subgraph(graph, observable_nodes)

seeding = Seeding(observable_graph, method = 'weighted-degree-based')
seeds = seeding(boundary_nodes, weight = 3, num_seed = 5)

ic_model = IndependentCascade(graph, seeds)
activated = ic_model.simulate()

avg_spread = ic_model.run_simulations(iters = 10)
print(f"Average spread across 10 runs: {avg_spread}")

Check out an example in example.ipynb!


Stein, S., Eshghi, S., Maghsudi, S., Tassiulas, L., Bellamy, R. K. E., & Jennings, N. R. (2017). Heuristic algorithms for influence maximization in partially observable social networks. In SocInf@IJCAI.

Tang, Y., Shi, Y., & Xiao, X. (2015). Influence maximization in near-linear time: A martingale approach. CM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data.

Tang, Y., Xiao, X., & Shi, Y. (2014). Influence maximization: Near-optimal time complexity meets practical efficiency.


  author = {Lyla Kiratiwudhikul and Caleb Saul and Derek Chang and Ben Elliott},
  title = {Influence Maximization for Partially Observable Networks with Varying Degree Assortativities},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}}