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Fractal generation for the cut-and-shuffle model (piecewise isometry, PWI) of the half-filled bi-axial spherical tumbler (BST).


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Construction of the Exceptional Set for the BST PWI fractal

By Thomas Lynn, Northwestern University

Developed in conjunction with the following papers:

  • P. P. Park, T. F. Lynn, P. B. Umbanhowar, J. M. Ottino, and R. M. Lueptow. Mixing and the fractal geometry of piecewise isometries. Phys Rev E, 95:042208, Apr. 2017. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.95.042208.
  • T. F. Lynn, L. D. Smith, J. M. Ottino, P. B. Umbanhowar, and R. M. Lueptow. Cutting and shuffling a hemisphere: Nonorthogonal axes. Phys Rev E, 99:032204, Mar. 2019. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.99.032204.
  • T. F. Lynn, J. M. Ottino, P. B. Umbanhowar, and R. M. Lueptow. Identifying invariant ergodic subsets and barriers to mixing by cutting and shuffling: Study in a birotated hemisphere. Phys Rev E, 101:012204, Jan. 2020. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.101.012204.

Purpose of the program:

Fractal generation for the cut-and-shuffle model (piecewise isometry, PWI) of the half-filled bi-axial spherical tumbler (BST). The program seeds points in a 2D space and rotates them according to the bi-axial spherical tumbler (BST) piecewise isometry (PWI) protocol specified in the input file. As points are rotated, a variety of measurements can be made although the program currently only supports output of one measurement at a time. Since each point is independent, the system is embarrassingly parallelizable and the use of GPU technology provides significant speed increases over CPUs.


  • NVIDIA graphics card with CUDA
  • CUDA Library
  • NVCC compiler


Compile with NVCC, no special libraries or links outside of CUDA are required.

Example makefile:

coverage: coverage.o
    nvcc -o coverage coverage.o
    nvcc -c

Note on the BST PWI:

The BST PWI acts on a unit hemispherical shell where y < 0. The BST PWI is a series of rotations about two horizontal axes (in the xz-plane), executed in the code as:

  1. A rotation about the z-axis by angle α
  2. A rotation about y by -γ to put the second axis aligned with the z-axis
  3. A rotation about the z-axis by angle β
  4. A rotation about y by γ to put the first axis aligned with the z-axis

The first axis is always aligned with the z direction.

Basic program structure:

  1. Receive inputs from file
  2. Pass information to the GPU
  3. Create arrays containing seed point locations in the 2D plane
  4. Project seed points to the hemisphere (discard points outside of the range that can be projected). Parameters regarding the domain center, size, and resolution are used here.
  5. During rotation procedure, record information into arrays. Parameters regarding the rotational protocol and desired information are used here. Do this at multiple times throughout the process depending on the desired information:
    1. Before any rotation
    2. After the first axis rotation
    3. After the second axis rotation
    4. After all rotations
  6. Retrieve data from the GPU and save

Input file structure:

A sample input file has been included.

  1. "[Number of Iterations] "int
    Indicates the number of iterations of the PWI will be executed.

  2. "[Alpha] " dbl
    Angle α in degrees. α is the rotation angle about the first axis in the counter-clockwise direction.

  3. "[Beta] " dbl
    Angle β in degrees. β is the rotation angle about the second axis in the counter-clockwise direction.

  4. "[Gamma] " dbl
    Angle γ in degrees. γ is the angular separation in the xz-plane between the first and second axes. Orthogonal axes use γ = 90°.

  5. "[Output Resolution] "int
    The output resolution in pixels. The program currently only supports output of square domains so this resolution is the number of pixels in each direction. Changing the program for different resolutions in the x and z direction is not particularly challenging, but is not implemented here.

  6. "[Projection: 0 - Orthographic, 1 - Stereographic, 2 - Lambert EA, 3 - Gnomonic, 4 - Square Lambert] " int
    The program supports various projections from the seeded 2D plane to the hemisphere. The available projections are:

    • 0: Orthographic: This is a straight on projection from -y. Points on the hemisphere have their y coordinate ignored and are projected onto the xz-plane. This is the perspective from y = -∞.
    • 1: Stereographic: This is a projection to the xz-plane from the perspective of (x,y,z) = (0,1,0). This conformal projection preserves circles on the hemisphere but distorts area radially (area increases radially).
    • 2: Lambert azimuthal equal-area: This projection preserves area (the program scales the area by a factor of √2). This projection should be used if area is being measured or the entire hemisphere should be shown without distorting area. This projection distorts more radially.
    • 3: Gnomonic: Neither area-preserving nor conformal, this projection cannot show the entire hemisphere but has the property that great circle arcs become straight lines. Since all cutting lines in the PWI are great circle arcs, this can be a nice feature.
    • 4: Square Lambert: Applies a transformation from the square to the unit circle (Shirley 1997) before applying the Lambert EA projection. Intended to utilize the entire rectangular grid. Mostly used for computing fractional coverage Φ.
  7. "[Spread] " dbl
    The spread specifies the half-width of the domain to be seeded.
    Domain = [x_center - spread, x_center + spread] by [z_center - spread, z_center + spread]

  8. "[x Center] " dbl
    The x center is the x coordinate of the center of the domain to be seeded.

  9. "[z Center] " dbl
    The z center is the z coordinate of the center of the domain to be seeded. The philosophy for specifying the center and spread of the domain is to mimic that of traditional fractal software and allow the user to specify a point and change the spread to zoom in on the given point.

  10. "[Line Thickness] " dbl
    The line thickness is ε for some measurements on the exceptional set. This determines how close points need to be to be considered "cut", or "returned".

  11. "[Output Data: 0 - Initial cuts, 1 - Stacked cuts, 2 - First return iter, 3 - Boundary location of initial cut, 4 - Stacked distance to boundary, 5 - Stacked location, 6 - Final location, 8 - Just Coverage, 9 - Minimum distance to cut] " int
    The program can output various metrics (some unlisted because they are not useful) on the exceptional set as it is calculated:

    • 0: The program records the iteration number at which a seed point first passes within ε of a the equator y = 0 (which generates cutting lines). Depending on which rotation this occurs on, the iteration number is stored in one of two arrays such that the first encounter with each cutting line is stored separately.
    • 1: The program counts the number of encounters (passing within ε of the equator) with each cutting line and stores them in two arrays, one for each cutting line. This is how cutting line density is computed.
    • 2: The program records the iteration number at which the seeded point passes within ε of its initial position in the first array. The second array currently stores the iteration number at which a point returns to its initial position after only one of the two axial rotations (half iteration), but this currently has no meaningful use.
    • 3: The program records the largest z value in the xz-plane at which a point first encounters the equator (post processed to an angular position using arcsin(2z -1); cutting lines are not sided here). The goal of this measurement is to reveal invariant sets along the equator, but this data is not refined.
    • 4: The program calculates the distance to the equator after each cut and accumulates this distance. The two cuts are again stored in different arrays. This measurement, when divided by the number of iterations will provide the average distance from each of the cutting lines for points throughout the domain. This can potentially be used to show invariant sets and mixing.
    • 5: The program accumulates the x and z coordinates. When divided by the number of iterations, this gives and average x and z coordinate for the seed point. This is only done after each full iteration.
    • 6: The program only records the final x and z coordinates of the seeded point. This produces a map between initial and final locations that can be used to mix an initial condition.
    • 7: unlisted The program records how many times the point has passed through the infinitely thin flowing layer (ITFL; periodic equator) after each rotation. This reveals almost no information at all since, on average, every point passes through the ITFL the same amount of times.
    • 8: Just returns the value of coverage, Φ. Does not utilize the two register variables and reduces file size. Coverage can be computed from other outputs so only use for data savings.
    • 9: Minimum distance to each of the two cutting lines over the course of a trajectory. For points in the exceptional set, this tends to zero as more iterations are computed. Values are initialized at 10, so points falling outside the range of the unit circle will have minimum distance of 10.
    • 10: unlisted Records the last iteration that the point returns to the cutting line. Does not reveal anything particularly interesting.
    • 11: unlisted Counts the number of returns within ε of the initial location. Again, returns for the half iteration are computed, but are currently meaningless.
    • 12: unlisted Accumulation of distances to the initial point. Does not reveal much of anything.

Output file structure:

The output file is binary data of the following structure in order:

Type Size Description
int 1 N, the number of seed points created, equal to the resolution squared
int 1 T, the number of iteration
int 1 res, the pixel resolution in the x and z directions
dbl 1 β, the angle of rotation about axis 2 in radians (note the order of α and β)
dbl 1 α, the angle of rotation about axis 1 in radians
dbl 1 γ, the angle between axis 1 and axis 2 in radians
dbl 1 x center, x coordinate of center of seeded points
dbl 1 z center, z coordinate of center of seeded points
dbl 1 spread, half-width of seeded points
int 1 output data form (see available outputs above)
dbl 1 ε
dbl N data 1, one of two arrays storing output data (often after 1st cut) [not written for output (8)]
dbl N data 2, one of two arrays storing output data (often after 2nd cut) [not written for output (8)]
dbl res xspace, x axis values for seed grid
dbl res zspace, z axis values for seed grid
int 1 number of seed points in the estimate of the exceptional set (for computing Φ)
int 1 number of seed points that fell outside of the hemisphere (for computing Φ)

Total file size is approximately 8*(2*res*res + 2*res + 13) bytes

  • For a 1,000 × 1,000 grid, this is 15.6 MB
  • For a 2,000 × 2,000 grid, this is 62.5 MB
  • For a 4,000 × 4,000 grid, this is 250.0 MB

Output post processing:

MATLAB scripts are used to process raw data.


The development of the bst-fractal program was supported by the US National Science Foundation under grant CMMI-1435065.


Fractal generation for the cut-and-shuffle model (piecewise isometry, PWI) of the half-filled bi-axial spherical tumbler (BST).







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