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Configuration for foreman-journald-rsyslog-elasticsearch logging setup

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Foreman/Katello/Satellite and ElasticSearch

Configuration for foreman-journald-rsyslog-elasticsearch logging setup. Works with Katello or Satellite as well. Initially these instructions were published in a Red Hat Knowledgebase solution:

Foreman installer is currently unable to setup ElasticSearch, however there is a 3rd party git repository with puppet modules available here:

This has been tested with the following versions:

  • Foreman 1.22
  • Satellite 6.6

System journal metadata

Foreman core (Rails app), Smart Proxy and Dynflow leverage journald with the following metadata:

Name Description
LOGGER Logger name (see below)
USER_LOGIN User login name
ORG_ID Organization database ID
LOC_ID Location database ID
ORG_NAME Organization name
LOC_NAME Location name
ORG_LABEL Organization label
LOC_LABEL Location label
REMOTE_IP Remote IP address of a client
REQUEST Request ID generated by ActionDispatch
SESSION Random ID generated per session or request for session-less request
AUDIT_ACTION Audit action: create, update or delete (audit logger)
AUDIT_TYPE Audit resource type, e.g. Host, Subnet or ContentView (audit logger)
AUDIT_ID Audit resource database ID as a number (audit logger)
AUDIT_ATTRIBUTE Audit resource field or database column that changed (audit logger)
AUDIT_FIELD_OLD Old audit value for update action (audit logger)
AUDIT_FIELD_NEW New audit value (audit logger)
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE Exception message when error is logged
EXCEPTION_CLASS Exception Ruby class when error is logged
EXCEPTION_BACKTRACE Exception backtrace as a multiline string when error is logged
TEMPLATE_NAME Template name (blob logger)
TEMPLATE_DIGEST Digest (SHA256) of rendered template contents (blob logger)
TEMPLATE_HOST_NAME Host name for a rendered template if present (blob logger)
TEMPLATE_HOST_ID Host database ID for a rendered template if present (blob logger)
AUDIT_ACTION Action performed (e.g. create/update/delete)
AUDIT_TYPE Database model class or type, subject of an audit record (e.g. Hostgroup or Subnet)
AUDIT_ID Record database ID of the audit subject
AUDIT_ATTRIBUTE Attribute name or column an action was performed on (e.g. name or description)

Logger name is only set by Foreman core (Rails) application. Current list of loggers enabled by default can be found with:

grep add_loggers -A14 /usr/share/foreman/config/application.rb
Name Description
app Main application logger
audit Contains copies of audit events available in Monitor - Audit
ldap Detailed logs from LDAP communication
permissions Detailed debugging information from permission subsystem
proxy Information from proxy communication
sql All SQL queries performed by the system (verbose)
templates Information from template renderer component
notifications Information from notifications component
background Information from background processing component
dynflow Information from Dynflow process
telemetry Debugging information from telemetry
blob Contents of rendered templates for auditing purposes (might contain sensitive data)

All fields are forwarded from journald to rsyslog for further processing.

Transformation to destination model

Rsyslog performs data transformation and sends entries to Elasticsearch in the Red Hat Common Data model. Documentation for all JSON fields can be found in org.foreman.viaq-cdm.asciidoc.

The rsyslog configuration file can be modified in order to transfor log entries into any model required. Resulting data can be stored in various formats or sent over network, rsyslog ships with multiple output formatters and exporters. For more info on how to configure rsyslog, read the operating system documentation and rsyslog man pages.

Configuring Elasticsearch and Kibana

The following part describes quick installation of Elasticsearch and Kibana. Both components must be installed on a separate server and they are not provided or supported by Red Hat. In this article, the Foreman or the Satellite host is named server, and the ElasticSearch host is named elastic.

ElasticSearch version 5.x is required because Elastic version 6.x does not work with rsyslog shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6. For more information on the issue, see: BZ#1600171.

elastic# curl -O
elastic# curl -O
elastic# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Install ElasticSearch, then enable and start the service. By default ElasticSearch listens only on localhost, configure either an external IP address which is reachable from Satellite Server or listening on all interfaces:

elastic# rpm -i elasticsearch-5.6.16.rpm

elastic# grep /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

elastic# systemctl daemon-reload
elastic# systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
elastic# systemctl start elasticsearch.service

Install the Kibana UI, configure external IP address in the same way and then enable and start the service.

elastic# rpm -i kibana-5.6.16-x86_64.rpm

elastic# grep /etc/kibana/kibana.yml ""

By default, Kibana expects ElasticSearch running on localhost port 9200 which is sufficient if it was configured to listen on all interfaces. In case it was configured for a particular IP address, change the configuartion:

elastic# grep elasticsearch.url /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
elasticsearch.url: ""

And restart the service:

elastic# systemctl daemon-reload
elastic# systemctl enable kibana.service
elastic# systemctl start kibana.service

Configure the firewall to allow the server to upload logs on port TCP 9200 and users to access Kibana Web interface on port TCP 5601.

elastic# firewall-cmd --add-port=9200/tcp
elastic# firewall-cmd --add-port=5601/tcp
elastic# firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

To access Kibana visit

Navigate to Management > Advanced Settings

Locate indexPattern:placeholder, clear the default entry and set it to project.foreman-logs*

Configuring ElasticSearch

Before proceeding with configuring Foreman or Satellite, make sure the server can connect to remote ElasticSearch server:

server# curl -XGET
  "name" : "SL5yuZz",
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "UJy6MBGWQAKWcnv2VQL3YQ",
  "version" : {
        "number" : "5.6.10",
        "build_hash" : "b727a60",
        "build_date" : "2018-06-06T15:48:34.860Z",
        "build_snapshot" : false,
        "lucene_version" : "6.6.1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

Log metadata follows Red Hat Common Data Model, which is used across various Red Hat projects and products (e.g. OpenShift). Before any data is sent to ElasticSearch, a JSON template must be downloaded and sent into ElasticSearch.

server# yum -y install git rsyslog-elasticsearch rsyslog-mmnormalize rsyslog-mmjsonparse \
  foreman-journald foreman-proxy-journald
server# git clone
server# cd foreman-elasticsearch
server# ls *.{json,conf} -1

The git repository contains index templates which allow you to define templates that will automatically be applied when new indices are created. The templates include both settings and mappings and a simple pattern template that controls whether the template should be applied to the new index. Mapping is the process of defining how a document, and the fields it contains, are stored and indexed. For instance, use mappings to define which string fields should be treated as full text fields, which fields contain numbers, dates, or geolocations.

Upload template from the server to ElasticSearch server. Be sure to pick the correct version as more than one JSON templates might have been generated. For ElasticSearch 5.x choose JSON index template version 5.5.2.

server# curl -X PUT "" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d@org.foreman.viaq-cdm.5.5.2.template.json

Rsyslog SELinux policy prevents from connecting to Elasticsearch port (9200), the only option is to compile new policy or turn off SELinux for Rsyslog (a bugzilla was filed for a boolean switch -

server# semanage permissive -a syslogd_t

Configure syslog to normalize logs and pass them into ElasticSearch. The following command copies foreman.conf and two more normalization JSON files into /etc/rsyslog.d directory and configures ElasticSearch host and port.

server# ./configure_rsyslog
server# systemctl restart rsyslog
server# systemctl status rsyslog

After restarting rsyslog check it's status and system journal. From now on, all logs are forwarded to ElasticSearch instance. Errors in ES output module are logged into /var/lib/rsyslog/es-errors.log file. Communication with ElasticSearch can be secured via SSL/TLS. For more details, see:

Configuring Foreman and Smart Proxy

Configure the Foreman Rails application to send data into system journal rather than /var/log/foreman/production.log directly. They will eventually appear in the same file as copies to avoid confusion.

server# foreman-installer --foreman-logging-level info --foreman-logging-type journald \
  --foreman-logging-layout pattern --foreman-proxy-log JOURNAL

Older versions of Foreman or Satellite might not have some installer options available, in that case configure logging manually:

server# cat /etc/foreman/settings.yaml | grep :logging: -A5
  :level: info
        :type: journald
        :layout: pattern

server# cat /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml | grep :log_file
:log_file: JOURNAL

Foreman installer should have restarted both services, in case configuration was modified manually restart the services:

server# systemctl restart httpd foreman-proxy

Note when foreman-journald or foreman-proxy-journald packages were not installed, there will be a warning in log and logging falls back to stdout->journal logging which does not have any structured fields. Check for warnings "Journald is not available on this platform. Falling back to STDOUT."

Configuring Candlepin

The following section only applies when configuring Katello or Satellite. The following configure script makes backup of /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/candlepin/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml file and then overwrites it with candlepin.xml file which makes the Candlepin application to send all logs into rsyslog via UDP/514 interface in JSON.

server# ./configure_candlepin
server# systemctl restart tomcat

Note: Newer versions of Candlepin (Satellite 7.1+) will have newer version of logback library and the configuration from this repo might not work anymore. Update it accordingly.

Final notes

Use Elasticsearch API to query indices and records:

server# curl -XGET
server# curl -XGET

Data appears under project.foreman-logs.20YY.MM.DD indices where YMD represents current year, month and day. All log entries are also copied into /var/log/messages for easier local troubleshooting.

In addition to that, rsyslog is configured to make additional copies of relevant records at the following well-known locations:

  • /var/log/foreman/production.log
  • /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
  • /var/log/candlepin/candlepin.log

The following files are no longer in use:

  • /var/log/candlepin/error.log (entries logged in candlepin.log)
  • /var/log/candlepin/audit.log (entries logged in candlepin.log)

And the following files are new in this configuration:

  • /var/log/foreman/audit.log (contains audit events from production.log)

Log file rotation

Log entries which end up in system journal (when persistent mode is enabled) or in /var/log/messages are automatically rotated, however for easy troubleshooting logs are also copied to well-known locations. Log rotation scripts which ship with Foreman, Katello or Satellite should be all replaced with configuration which notifies rsyslog rather than daemons which send logs to syslog. These are:

  • /etc/logrotate.d/foreman
  • /etc/logrotate.d/foreman-proxy
  • /etc/logrotate.d/candlepin

Example configuration (taken from /etc/logrotate.d/syslog):

        /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

There is a script to do exactly that: it replaces the logrotate scripts above with a dummy comment so RPM will treat them correctly and deploy a new config /etc/logrotate.d/foreman-elasticsearch with standard rsyslog rotation options.

server# ./configure_logrotate

CEF (Common Event Format) logging

It is possible to forward Satellite logs in CEF via rsyslog-mmfields module which has been added to RHEL 8.6. For more info:

Known issues

This document and configuration is written in a way which works with any version of Foreman, Katello or Satellite. However, for older versions and in case of problems checkout older configuration via git tags (e.g. git checkout foreman-1.22).

Other known issues:

  • Satellite 6.6 build is missing foreman-proxy-journald package, therefore when proxy is configured for system journal output, it prints a warning Journald is not available on this platform. Falling back to STDOUT. Logging from proxy works but it has no fields like REQUEST or REMOTE_IP available. Filed:



Configuration for foreman-journald-rsyslog-elasticsearch logging setup






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