Django integration for Laravel Mix
Laravel Mix helper in python representation to easy usage with laravel-mix npm package in Django projects.
pip install djangomix
Note: Do not forget to include the package in requirements
Follow instructions on Laravel Mix webpage
Please, see example of webpack.mix.js configration below.
Add 'djangomix' to INSTALLED APPS in Django config
Include in base.html (or any other template)
{% load mix %}
Use mix template tag in your templates to load scripts, styles,...
Note: Second parameter is path to manifest.json
<script src="{% mix 'build/app.js' 'polls/static' %}"></script>
The paths are related to webpack.mix.js configuration.
You can set path for manifest dir and public path also in Django settings
PUBLIC_URL = getattr(settings, 'LARAVELMIX_PUBLIC_URL', settings.STATIC_URL)
Example configration of webpack.mix.js:
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
let staticPath = 'polls/static/build'
let resourcesPath = 'polls/resources'
mix.setResourceRoot('/static/build') // setResroucesRoots add prefix to url() in scss on example: from /images/close.svg to /static/images/close.svg
mix.setPublicPath('polls/static') // Path where mix-manifest.json is created
// if you don't need browser-sync feature you can remove this lines
if (process.argv.includes('--browser-sync')) {
// Now you can use full mix api
mix.js(`${resourcesPath}/js/app.js`, `${staticPath}/`)
mix.sass(`${resourcesPath}/sass/app.scss`, `${staticPath}/`)
Do you have problem with setup? Read how to setup and start with Vue in Django
Maintained by: Marek Racík from IdeaLoop