Shapes library with AWS Architecture Icons for (formerly application.
Load it into in one of the following ways:
- easiest: click here to add the library to (may take few seconds to load)
- manual with link (for example to on Atlassian Confluence):
select File → Open Library from → URL and put Architecture Icons 20240206.xml
- manual with file: download particular
file and open it in application
- more up-to-date
- shapes have connection points
- shapes size is 50x50 px instead of 78x78 px (I found it much more suitable personally)
- single library with all the icons
Icons library is generated using icons-asset-generator:
poetry run icons-asset-generator \
--filename-includes _48 \
--filename-excludes Dark \
--image-name-remove Light Arch_ Arch- Res_ _48 . - _ \
--library-name-remove . - _ \
--path "./Asset-Package/" \ \
--size height=50
Merge it with the groups library:
# read skipping first and last line, remove newlines and multiple spaces
groups=$(sed '1d;$d' ./manual/Groups.xml | tr -d '\n' | tr -s ' ')
icons=$(cat icons.xml)
{ echo ${icons:0:12}; echo $groups; echo ","; echo ${icons:12} } | tr -d '\n' > icons-with-groups.xml
All rights to the icons belong to Amazon Web Services.