<<<<<<< HEAD
- Navigate to the cloned repository
- Create a conda environment with "conda create --name ENV_NAME --python=3.6 --file requirements.txt"
- Create folder ./app/static/uploads
- Classification models
- ./app/static/classification_models/casia_webface.pkl
- ./app/static/classification_models/vggface2.pkl
- ./app/static/classification_models/lda_casia.pkl
- ./app/static/classification_models/lda_vggface2.pkl
- Dataset images (to display during privacy attack)
- Example path for CASIA: ./app/static/dataset_faces/casia/1...
- Example path for vggface2: ./app/static/dataset_faces/vggface2/1...
- Example path for vggface2 LDA: ./app/static/dataset_faces/visual2_casia-webfaceLDA/clean/74/..
- Example path for vggface2 LDA: ./app/static/dataset_faces/visual2_vggface2LDA/clean/17/..
- (optional) set flask into development mode. This way changes to the code will update the site automatically
- Command on Windows: "set FLASK_ENV=development"
- Command on Linux: "export FLASK_ENV=development"
- Run command "flask run"
- Navigate to the link printed in the console =======