Fast, in stack, fixed size string implementation with constexpr noexcept constructors and accessors. FastString improves memory locality and latency of strings by avoiding heap allocations.
std::string allocates heap memory for strings not qualified for SSO (small string optimization) and reduces memory locality. FastString is a thin wrapper around a plain char array with constexpr noexcept constructors and accessors for fast, in stack string manipulation. FastString is a fast and efficient alternative for std::string or plain char arrays in low latency applications and can be easily used with std::string_view for further operations.
- C++20 compatible compiler (constexpr std::copy is required for constexpr constructors)
- Works with
- Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.27.29111 or above
- x86-64 gcc-trunk
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- Compiler version:MSVC 19.28.29334.0
- Using Google Benchmark (Tests are included in repo)
Run on (8 X 1498 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 48 KiB (x4)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x4)
L2 Unified 512 KiB (x4)
L3 Unified 8192 KiB (x1)
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BM_std_string_from_const_char 498 ns 148 ns 5600000
BM_fixed_size_str_from_const_char 46.9 ns 16.3 ns 34461538
BM_std_string_from_constexpr_const_char 500 ns 153 ns 4480000
BM_fixed_size_str_from_constexpr_const_char 47.8 ns 16.7 ns 37333333
BM_std_string_from_buffer 505 ns 158 ns 5146257
BM_fixed_size_str_from_buffer 49.6 ns 14.2 ns 37333333
BM_std_string_from_constexpr_buffer 503 ns 188 ns 4072727
BM_fixed_size_str_from_constexpr_buffer 50.1 ns 12.6 ns 44800000
BM_std_string_from_const_char_large_str 1048 ns 384 ns 2240000
BM_fixed_size_str_from_const_char_large_str 153 ns 50.0 ns 10000000
BM_std_string_append 190 ns 62.5 ns 10000000
BM_fixed_size_str_append 164 ns 56.2 ns 14451613
BM_std_string_append_large 50.0 ns 16.4 ns 64000000
BM_fixed_size_str_append_large 61.5 ns 23.4 ns 37333333
- Compiler version: x86-64 gcc-trunk
- Test scenario - Function creates a string from a given char pointer and return length of the created string. Length is returned and assigned to a volatile variable to avoid compiler optimizing out the construction of the variable.
- Test code
- Using std::string
auto f(const char* str) { std::string a{str}; return a.length(); } void g(const char* str) { volatile auto x = f(str); }
- Using FastString. Note use of constexpr and noexcept
constexpr auto f(const char* str) noexcept { using string64 = fss::fixed_size_str<63>; string64 a{str}; return a.length(); } void g(const char* str) { volatile auto x = f(str); }
- Using std::string
- Comparison of compiler output between std::string and FastString using
Refer to below example code
/* define types */
using string8 = fss::fixed_size_str<7>;
using string64 = fss::fixed_size_str<63>;
/* default construction */
constexpr string8 a{};
constexpr auto a_length = a.length(); // a_length is 0
constexpr auto a_empty = a.empty(); // a_empty is true
constexpr auto a_max_size = a.max_size(); // a_max_size is 7
/* copy construction */
constexpr auto a_copy_c = a;
auto a_copy = a;
/* move construction */
auto a_move = std::move(a_copy);
/* copy assignment */
constexpr string8 b{ "1234", 4 }; // b is "1234"
string8 c{ "lmnopqrstuvxyz" }; // c is "lmnopqr"
string8 d{ "56789" }; // d is "789". rest is truncated.
c = b; // now c is "1234"
/* move assingment */
c = std::move(d); // c is "56789"
/* using with string view */
constexpr string8 e{ "abcdefghij", 10 }; // truncated. e is "abcdefg";
constexpr auto e_sub_str = e.str().substr(0, 2); // e_sub_str is "ab"
constexpr auto e_length = e.length(); // e_length is 7
/* comparison */
constexpr string8 f{ "abcd" };
constexpr string8 g{ "abcd" };
constexpr string8 h{ "abcf" };
constexpr auto i = (f == g); // i is true
constexpr auto j = (g == h); // j is false
/* append */
string8 k{ "abc" }; // k is "abc"
k.append("d"); // k is "abcd"
k.append("efghi", 5); // k is "abcdefg". rest is truncated
/* clear */
k.clear(); // k is empty() ""
auto k_empty = k.empty(); // k_empty is true
/* reset */
k.reset("1234"); // k is "1234";
auto k_length = k.length(); // k_length is 4
k.reset("xyz", 3); // k is "xyz"
/* remove_suffix */
/* there is no boundary check. similar to string_view */
string8 l{ "1234567" };
l.remove_suffix(3); // l is "1234"
/* remove_prefix */
/* there is no boundary check. similar to string_view */
l.remove_prefix(2); // l is "34"
/* stream operator */
std::cout << l << std::endl;
/* using for member variables */
struct test_struct
std::uint32_t a_{};
std::uint64_t b_{};
string8 c_{ "abcd" }; // uses only 8 + 4 bytes in stack
constexpr auto get_c() const { return c_.str(); }
constexpr void set_c(const char* str) { c_.reset(str); }
auto test_struct_size = sizeof(test_struct);
constexpr test_struct t;
constexpr auto t_a = t.get_c();
/* swap */
l.swap(k); // l is "xyz" and k is "34"
swap(l, k); // l is "34" and k is "xyz"