Twitter: @David_Uton
I have some bad news to give, last week Facebook withdrew the service by which the tool made the requests, unfortunately the tool no longer works.
Sorry, thank you very much to all the users who have been using it, reporting bugs and contributing with new ideas.
Note: I am working on another tool, Say hello to GooFuzz!
- Adapting uDork to the programming changes from Facebook to Meta.
- Removed the Perl library "libany-uri-escape-perl".
- Speed has been improved, gaining 2 seconds between requests.
uDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web applications, and so on.
uDork does NOT make attacks against any server, it only uses predefined dorks and/or official lists from (Google Hacking Database:
$ git clone
$ cd uDork
$ chmod +x
- Open the file "" and write inside this line:
$ ./ -h
- Login to
- Now we will access (It is the Facebook messaging app) and click on the "Continue as..." button.
- Once we're in, all we have to do is get the two cookies we need to make uDork work.
-- Right mouse button and click on "Inspect".
-- Click on the "Network" tab and select any line that is in the domain "".
-- Now click on the "Cookies" tab, copy and paste the cookies "c_user" and "xs" into the "" file.
Thus: cookies="c_user=XXXXXX; xs=XXXXXX;"
-- Right mouse button and click on "Inspect".
-- Click on the tab "Application", in the left column, look for the section "Cookies", copy and paste the cookies "c_user" and "xs" with their value to the file "".
Thus: cookies="c_user=XXXXXX; xs=XXXXXX;"
Twitter: @interh4ck GitHub:(
$ git clone
$ cd uDork
$ docker build -t udork .
$ docker run --rm -it -e c_user=XXXXXXXXX -e xs=XXXXXXXXX udork -h
This tool requires session cookies from a Facebook account to work. I am NOT responsible for any problems with your account and/or computer.