This repositoy provides TOPPERS/ASP3 kernel for STM32 NUCLEO-F767ZI. TOPPERS Project is Japanese NPO that researches and develops the high-quality platforms for embedded systems.
We use this repository as a component of mros2-asp3-f767zi, by adding some modifications from the original repository implemented by @yurie. So the base branch of this repository has been changed to mros2
Currently, we should use arm-none-eabi 7.3.1 which can be installed with STM32CubeIDE v1.5.0. (detail: #5)
# Clone repositories
$ git clone
$ git clone
# Build binary
$ cd asp3-f767zi/OBJ
$ make
# Copy binary to the board
$ cp asp.bin /media/$USER/NODE_F767ZI/
# Connect with picocom
$ sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0