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The workshops documentation demonstrates few examples on how to utilize GeoNode-Project in order to extend/customize GeoNode's functionalities according to your business. The covered topics include the following:

1- Customize your GeoNode with the geonode-project

2- Customize the look and feel

3- Create your ResourceBase Metadata

4- Create your own django app

5- Add a custom model

6- Permissions and APIs

7- Deploy your GeoNode

1- Customize your GeoNode with the geonode-project

In this example, GeoNode-Project is cloned to create a template instance in which the rest of the examples will be building on top of it.

1- Assuming you already installed GeoNode-Core, firstly we need to create a GeoNode-Project template and this can be achieved from the following command:

$ startproject my_geonode --template= -e py,rst,json,yml,ini,env,sample -n Dockerfile

Here, django-admin is used with startproject option to create my_geonode project copying the template which is passed as GeoNode-project Github repo. It also includes "py,rst,json,yml,ini,env,sample" extensions

2- Once the cloning finished, the next step is to install the GeoNode-Project we just downloaded as follows:

$ pip install -e my_geonode

3- Install geoserver using paver as follows

$ cd /home/geonode/my_geonode
$ paver setup

4- Note the GeoNode database connection parameters mentioned in the configuration file. If not found, copy and rename it to then use psql to create the required user and grant the required privileges as follows:

$ su postgres
$ createdb geonode
$ psql
    postgres=# CREATE USER geonode WITH PASSWORD 'geonode';
    postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "geonode" to geonode;
    postgres=# \q


Don't forget to exit from postgres user before executing the following commands

5- Run GeoNode using paver

$ cd /home/geonode/my_geonode
$ paver start


You may find this warning message: You have 132 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): account, actstream, admin, agon_ratings, announcements, auth, avatar, base, contenttypes, dialogos, documents, favorite, geonode_client, geonode_themes, groups, guardian, invitations, layers, maps, mapstore2_adapter, monitoring, oauth2_provider, people, pinax_notifications, services, sessions, sites, socialaccount, taggit, tastypie, upload, user_messages. Run 'python migrate' to apply them.

Which means you have some sql statements not executed yet and you need to run the "migrate" to sync your database first then "paver start" again as follows:

$ python migrate
$ paver start


If encountered this message: (Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add u'' to ALLOWED_HOSTS) It can be fixed in the file. You will need to add: ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] in


6- Once the previous step is done, you can visit to view the GUI of GeoNode. However, we still don't have an account in order to login from the GUI. This can be done using "paver sync". The command will create sync with latest fixtures and also creates a superuser "admin" with default password "admin"

7- Use the created account to login from the GUI through localhost:8000 or


2- Customize the look and feel

In this section we will change the look and feel of GeoNode, in particular we will do some customization to help understanding how the template inheritance works and how to add new stuff to your GeoNode. The changes will include the home page, the top menu, the footer and a generic GeoNode page.


The geonode-project provides some predefined templates to change the home page and the general site content.

In the "my_geonode/my_geonode/templates" directory we can edit the site_index.html.

Try to edit the content of the "jumbotron" box in the page, save and refresh your browser to see the changes.


The theme:

To change the theme of our geonode-project we can act on the site_base.css file available in the "my_geonode/my_geonode/static/css" folder.

The file is empty so we can inspect elements of the home page with the browser's developer tools and define css rules in there.

For example, if we want to change the background of the jumbotron, in this file we can add

.home .jumbotron { background: red }

Then once we refreshed the browser, we should see the change as follows:


Adding the ".home" class is necessary in order to let the rule have precedence/priority over the GeoNode's one. We can see this by inspecting the element in the developer console.

The top menu:

Now we can make some changes that will apply to the whole site. We can add a Geocollections entry in the top menu bar.

Edit the site_base.html file in the templates folder and uncomment the list item adapting the text as well from:

{% comment %}
Add Tab for Third Party Apps
 <a href="{{ PROJECT_ROOT }}app">App</a>
{% endcomment %}


 <a href="{{ PROJECT_ROOT }}/geocollections">Geocollections</a>

On browser refresh you will see a new entry in the nav bar which is persistent to the whole site.


GeoNode generic page

As you can see in the templates folder there are only the site_index.html and the site_base.html files. In order to customize another GeoNode page, for example the layers list page, you need to recreate the same folder structure of the GeoNode templates folder and add a file with the same name.

For the layers list page we can create a directory named "layers" inside the template directory and a file named "layer_list.html" inside layers. The changes made in this file will only affect the layer list page.

mkdir -p my_geonode/templates/layers/

cp geonode/geonode/layers/templates/layers/layer_list.html  my_geonode/templates/layers/layer_list.html

vim my_geonode/templates/layers/layer_list.html

For example change in page title to be:

<h2 class="page-title">{% trans "Explore My Layers" %}</h2>

then refresh the browser to see the update.


Modify functionality

In this section, we will patch the ResourceBase of GeoNode and update the Templates in order to add one more field to the Metadata Schema.

We will add a DOI field to the ResourceBase model and modify the Templates in order to show the new field both into the Metadata Wizard and the Layer Details page.


Make sure to be inside "my_geonode" directory to execute the following commands

Customizing metadata can be achieved from the model which is defined in the core at "geonode/geonode/base/" as follows:

# internal fields
uuid = models.CharField(max_length=36)
owner = models.ForeignKey(
contacts = models.ManyToManyField(
title = models.CharField(_('title'), max_length=255, help_text=_(
    'name by which the cited resource is known'))
alternate = models.CharField(max_length=128, null=True, blank=True)
date = models.DateTimeField(
date_type = models.CharField(
    _('date type'),
edition = models.CharField(
abstract = models.TextField(
purpose = models.TextField(
maintenance_frequency = models.CharField(
    _('maintenance frequency'),

To add fields directly to the ResourceBase Class without actually modifying it, this can be done from "my_geonode/my_geonode/" file

The "ready" method is invoked at initialization time and can be currently used to tweak your app in several ways

class AppConfig(BaseAppConfig):

    name = "my_geonode"
    label = "my_geonode"

    def ready(self):
        super(AppConfig, self).ready()

Now we will add the "patch_resource_base" method to the AppConfig and execute it from the ready method as follows:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class AppConfig(BaseAppConfig):

    name = "my_geonode"
    label = "my_geonode"

    def _get_logger(self):
        import logging
        return logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__module__)

    def patch_resource_base(self, cls):
        self._get_logger().info("Patching Resource Base")
        doi_help_text = _('a DOI will be added by Admin before publication.')
        doi = models.TextField(
        cls.add_to_class('doi', doi)

    def ready(self):
        super(AppConfig, self).ready()

        from geonode.base.models import ResourceBase


you will need to perform migrations as follows: - Add field doi to resourcebase

Once you run python migrate:

Running migrations:
Applying announcements.0002_auto_20200119_1257... OK
Applying base.0031_resourcebase_doi... OK
Applying people.0027_auto_20200119_1257... OK

Till now, we have patched the DB. however, it is not yet sufficient as we still need to display the added field.

Let's extend the default templates so that we can show the newly added field

Overriding the Metadata Wizard Template Page

Similar to what we have done before in the Templates directory, we will need to create "layouts" directory under "my_geonode/my_geonode/templates". This directory will contain a copy from "geonode/src/geonode/geonode/layers/templates/layouts/panels.html" as follows:

$ mkdir -p my_geonode/templates/layouts
$ cp ~/geonode/src/geonode/geonode/layers/templates/layouts/panels.html  my_geonode/templates/layouts/panels.html
$ vim my_geonode/templates/layouts/panels.html

Inside panels.html, we will add a new div with text input as follows:

{{ layer_form.data_quality_statement }}
          <span><label for="{{ layer_form.doi|id }}">{{ layer_form.doi.label }}</label></span>
          <input id="id_resource-doi" name="resource-doi"
                data-content="a DOI will be added by Admin before publication." data-html="true" data-placement="right"
                placeholder="a DOI will be added by Admin before publication."
                value="{{ layer_form.doi.value }}">

In addition, we will override the Layer Detail template page as follows:

mkdir -p my_geonode/templates/base

cp /home/geo/Envs/geonode/src/geonode/geonode/base/templates/base/_resourcebase_info_panel.html my_geonode/templates/base/

vim my_geonode/templates/base/_resourcebase_info_panel.html
<dd><a href="/groups/group/{{ }}/activity/">{{ group }}</a> </dd>

 <dd>{{ resource.doi }}</dd>


Now from the layer details page, you can see the DOI metadata entry per layer


3- Create your own django app

In this section, we will demonstrate how to create and setup the skeleton of a custom app using the django facilities. The app will add a geocollections functionality to our GeoNode.

The Gecollections app allows to present in a single page, resources and users grouped by a GeoNode Group. We can assign arbitrary resources to a Geocollection, a Group and a name that will be also used to build a dedicated URL.


Make sure to be inside "my_geonode" directory to execute the following commands

Create the django app

Django gives us an handy command to create apps. We already used startproject to create our geonode-project, now we can use startapp to create the app.

python startapp geocollections

This will create a folder named geocollections that contains empty models and views.

We need to add the new app to the INSTALLED_APPS of our project. inside "my_geonode/" line 54 change:


Add a custom model

In this section, we will add a custom model and the related logic as follows:

  • Add a new model
  • Add urls and views
  • Add admin panel
  • Add the template
vim geocollections/
from django.db import models

from geonode.base.models import ResourceBase
from geonode.groups.models import GroupProfile

class Geocollection(models.Model):
    A collection is a set of resources linked to a GeoNode group
    group = models.ForeignKey(GroupProfile, related_name='group_collections')
    resources = models.ManyToManyField(ResourceBase, related_name='resource_collections')
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True)
    slug = models.SlugField(max_length=128, unique=True)

    def __unicode__(self):

At this point we need to ask django to create the database table. Django since version 1.8 has embedded migrations mechanism and we need to use them in order to change the state of the db.


Make sure to be inside "my_geonode" directory to execute the following commands

python makemigrations

# the above command informs you with the migrations to be executed on the database

python migrate

Next we will use django generic view to show the collections detail. Add the following code in the file:

vim geocollections/
from django.views.generic import DetailView

from .models import Geocollection

class GeocollectionDetail(DetailView):
    model = Geocollection

Add url configuration

In order to access the created view we also need url mapping. We can create a file containing a url mapping to our generic view:

vim geocollections/
from django.conf.urls import url

from .views import GeocollectionDetail

urlpatterns = [

We also need to register the app urls in the project urls. So let's modify the "my_geonode" file adding the following:

vim my_geonode/
urlpatterns += [
## include your urls here
    url(r'^geocollections/', include('geocollections.urls')),

Enable the admin panel

We need a user interface where we can create geocollections. Django makes this very easy, we just need the file as follows:

vim geocollections/
from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Geocollection

class GeocollectionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("name",)}
    filter_horizontal = ('resources',), GeocollectionAdmin)

Now we can visit the admin page and create a geocollection from there as follows:


Adding the template

Now we need the template where the geocollection detail will be rendered. Let's create a geocollections directory inside the "my_geonode/templates" directory with a file named geocollection_detail.html:

mkdir -p my_geonode/templates/geocollections/

vim my_geonode/templates/geocollections/geocollection_detail.html
{% extends "geonode_base.html" %}
{% block body %}
    <h2>Geocollection {{ }}</h2>
    <p>Group: {{ }}</p>
        {% for resource in object.resources.all %}
            <li>{{ resource.title }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

To check the results, create a group in the geonode ui interface and load one or more layers/documents

login into the admin panel -> geocollections and create a geocollections

Visit http://localhost:8000/geocollections/<the-name-of-the-created-geocollection> and view the results.


Now you know how to customize an html template so you can tune this page as you prefer.

Permissions and APIs

In this section we will add some more advanced logic like permissions and APIs. The permissions in GeoNode are managed with django-guardian, a library which allow to set object level permissions (django has table level authorization).

The APIs are implemented through django-tastypie.

The topics to be covered include:

  • Permissions on who can view the geocollection
  • How to add templated and js to embed a permission ui in our geocollection detail page
  • API to serve json serialized searchable endpoint

Permissions logic (permissions objects)

We need to add the permissions object to the database. We can do this by adding the following meta class to our Geocollection model, guardian will take care of creating the objects for us.

vim geocollections/
class Meta:
    permissions = (
        ('view_geocollection', 'Can view geocollection'),

Then run "python makemigrations" and "python migrate" to install them

Permissions logic (set_default)

Let's add a method that will be used to set the default permissions on the Geocollections. We can add this logic to the Geocollection model but could also be a generic Mixin similar to how it is implemented in GeoNode.

vim geocollections/
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.conf import settings
from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm

def set_default_permissions(self):
        Set default permissions.


        # default permissions for anonymous users
        anonymous_group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='anonymous')

            assign_perm('view_geocollection', anonymous_group, self)

        # default permissions for group members
        assign_perm('view_geocollection',, self)

Permissions logic (methods)

Now we need a method to add generic permissions, we want to be able to assign view permissions to groups and single users. We can add this to our Geocollection model

vim geocollections/
def set_permissions(self, perm_spec):
    anonymous_group = Group.objects.get(name='anonymous')
    if 'users' in perm_spec and "AnonymousUser" in perm_spec['users']:
        assign_perm('view_geocollection', anonymous_group, self)
    if 'users' in perm_spec:
        for user, perms in perm_spec['users'].items():
            user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=user)
            assign_perm('view_geocollection', user, self)
    if 'groups' in perm_spec:
        for group, perms in perm_spec['groups'].items():
            group = Group.objects.get(name=group)
            assign_perm('view_geocollection', group, self)
def remove_object_permissions(self):
    from guardian.models import UserObjectPermission, GroupObjectPermission

Permissions logic (

We can add now a view to receive and set our permissions, in

vim geocollections/
import json
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

User = get_user_model()

def geocollection_permissions(request, collection_id):

    collection = Geocollection.objects.get(id=collection_id)
    user = User.objects.get(

    if user.has_perm('view_geocollection', collection):
       return HttpResponse(
          'You have the permission to view. please customize a template for this view'',

    if request.method == 'POST':
        success = True
        message = "Permissions successfully updated!"
            permission_spec = json.loads(request.body)

            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'success': success, 'message': message}),
            success = False
            message = "Error updating permissions :("
            return HttpResponse(
                json.dumps({'success': success, 'message': message}),

Permissions logic (url)

Lastly we need a url to map our client to our view, in

vim geocollections/
from django.conf.urls import url

from .views import GeocollectionDetail, geocollection_permissions

urlpatterns = [


This url will be called with the id of the geocollection, the id will be passed to the view in order to get the permissions.



A note on the client part, the server side logic is just one part necessary to implement permissions.

A checklist of what is necessary:

  • A template snippet that can be embedded in the geocollection_detail.html, you can copy and simplify: _permissions_form.html and _permissions.html (in geonode/templates)
  • A javascript file that will collect permissions settings and send them to the server, you can copy and simplify: _permissions_form_js.html (in geonode/templates)


The GeoNode API system easily allows to plug in new APIs. This section demonstrates the required steps:

We need first to create an file in our geocollection app.

vim geocollections/
import json
from tastypie.resources import ModelResource
from tastypie import fields
from tastypie.constants import ALL_WITH_RELATIONS, ALL

from geonode.api.api import ProfileResource, GroupResource
from geonode.api.resourcebase_api import ResourceBaseResource

from .models import Geocollection
class GeocollectionResource(ModelResource):

    users = fields.ToManyField(ProfileResource, attribute=lambda bundle:, full=True)
    group = fields.ToOneField(GroupResource, 'group', full=True)
    resources = fields.ToManyField(ResourceBaseResource, 'resources', full=True)

    class Meta:
        queryset = Geocollection.objects.all().order_by('-group')
        ordering = ['group']
        allowed_methods = ['get']
        resource_name = 'geocollections'
        filtering = {
            'group': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS,
            'id': ALL

API authorization

We want the API to respect our custom permissions, we can easily achieve this by adding the following to the beginning of

vim geocollections/
from tastypie.authorization import DjangoAuthorization
from guardian.shortcuts import get_objects_for_user

class GeocollectionAuth(DjangoAuthorization):

    def read_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        permitted_ids = get_objects_for_user(

        return object_list.filter(id__in=permitted_ids)

    def read_detail(self, object_list, bundle):
        return bundle.request.user.has_perm(

And this to the GeocollectionResource Meta class:

authorization = GeocollectionAuth()

Add a url for our API

In order to publish our API we need a url and we want that url to appear under the GeoNode's /api domain.

The final url for our API has to be /api/geocollections.

We can inject the url into the GeoNode API by adding the following lines to "my_geonode/" file:

vim my_geonode/
from geonode.api.urls import api

from geocollections.api import GeocollectionResource


And add the following in the urlpatterns:

url(r'', include(api.urls)),

The final result will be:

from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

from geonode.urls import urlpatterns

from geonode.api.urls import api
from geocollections.api import GeocollectionResource


urlpatterns += [
## include your urls here
url(r'', include(api.urls)),
url(r'^geocollections/', include('geocollections.urls')),

Let's test permissions on API

We can test the permissions on API by manually set a permission from the command line and check that the API respects it.

With running python shell from inside our "my_geonode" folder, it opens a geonode shell.

A perm spec could look like this:

perms = {
'users': {
'AnonymousUser': ['view_geocollection'],
'alessio': ['view_geocollection']}

and we can assign the permissions with:

from geocollections.models import Geocollection


our http://localhost:8000/api/geocollections should now list the geocollection.

If you remove the 'AnonymousUser' line from perms and assign again the permissions it will disappear.

perms = {
'users': {
'alessio': ['view_geocollection']

Deploy your GeoNode

So far we demonstrated how to modify, extend and style our GeoNode in dev mode but now it's time to go on production. In this section we will clarify how to:

  • commit your work on GitHub
  • setup your server
  • setup your GeoNode for production

Push to GitHub It is always a good practice to keep your code in a remote repository, GithHub is one of the options and is indeed the most used.

It is assumed that you already have a GitHub account and that you have git installed and configured with your name and email.

We will push only the my_geonode folder to GitHub and as we knew earlier, GeoNode for us is a dependency and we'll just reinstall it as it is on the server.

Steps to push your code to GitHub:

  • Create an empty repository in GitHub and copy it's address
  • In my_geonode, run git init to initialize an empty repository
  • Add your remote repository address with git remote add yourname yourremoteaddress
  • edit .gitignore adding all *.pyc files
  • git add * to add all content of my_geonode
  • git commit -m 'initial import' to make the initial commit
  • git push yourname master to push the code to the GitHub repository

Setup the server

There are several options for deploying GeoNode projects on servers. In this section, we explain how to deploy it on Ubuntu server 18.04 using system-wide installation


For quick installation, follow the "INSTALLING doc" at

Setup our my_geonode

We need now to install the developed "my_geonode" project following these steps:

  • git clone from your repository (in the folder of your preference)
  • sudo pip install -e my_geonode
  • edit the settings where needed
  • edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/geonode.conf replacing the wsgi path to the my_geonode/my_geonode/ file
  • add the apache rights to the "my_geonode" folder with a directory like
<Directory "/path/to/my_geonode/">
  Order allow,deny
  Require all granted
  • Test your server.


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