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How to compile the latest OpenCV + Aruco libraries on Windows or Linux and import them into Android Studio project.

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How to compile the latest OpenCV + Aruco and import into Android Studio.

By following this guide, hopefully, you will have a working Android Studio project "template" from which you can build up on. Allowing you to create an AR app for Android using Java and/or c++ with JNI.

Credits goes to these links:

Tested on Windows 10 and MX Linux 18.2


Item Link
Cmake 3.11 or greater
Java JDK 1.8
Python 3.* preferred
latest OpenCV source
latest OpenCV contrib source
Android Studio 3.2
android-ndk-r16b-windows-x86_64 Windows: Linux:
tools-r25.2.5 Windows: Linux:
Build tools Windows: Linux: gcc, build-essential
latest Apache Ant
  • Notes: For Linux users, check out your package manager for available applications

Prologue; Initial setup:

  • Notes:
    • If using MinGW install manager, choose: mingw32-base-bin and msys-base-bin
    • Add JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to JDK installation directory
    • Add Python installation directory to PATH environment variable
    • After creating environment variables, restart PC.
  • Setup project directory for building and easy access:
    • Create the following directories:
    • ../opencv_project (project root directory)
    • ../opencv_project/opencv
    • ../opencv_project/contrib
    • ../opencv_project/build
    • ../opencv_project/ndk-r16b
    • ../opencv_project/tools
    • ../opencv_project/ant
  • Extract the following zip file contents into their directories:
    • into ../opencv_project/opencv
    • into ../opencv_project/contrib
    • into ../opencv_project/ndk-r16b
    • into ../opencv_project/tools
    • into ../opencv_project/ant
  • Download build-tools and platform using Windows: sdkmanager.bat or Linux: sdkmanager:
    • Open PowerShell or Terminal
    • Navigate to ../opencv_project/tools/bin
    • Execute Windows: .\sdkmanager.bat "build-tools;28.0.3" or Linux: ./sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3"
    • Execute Windows: .\sdkmanager.bat "platforms;android-27" or Linux: ./sdkmanager "platforms;android-27"
    • Execute Windows: .\sdkmanager.bat "platform-tools" or Linux: ./sdkmanager "platform-tools"
    • Note: To lookup package names use Windows: .\sdkmanager.bat --list or Linux: ./sdkmanager --list

1. step; Cmake gui; generating the project:

  • Open Cmake gui
  • Click Browse Source... find and add ../opencv_project/opencv
  • Click Browse Build... find and add .../opencv_project/build
  • Add the following entries by clicking Add Entry:
    • Name: ANDROID_NDK Type: Path Value: ../opencv_project/ndk-r16b
    • Name: ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL Type: String Value: 16
    • Name: ANDROID_SDK Type: Path Value: ../opencv_project/
    • Name: ANDROID_NDK_HOST_X64 Type: Bool Value: Ticked
    • Name: ANT_EXECUTABLE Type: File Path Value: Windows: ../opencv_project/ant/bin/ant.bat or Linux: ../opencv_project/ant/bin/ant
  • Click Configure
  • A window will pop up, make sure the following values are selected:
    • Windows: MinGW Makefiles or Linux: Unix Makefiles as selected generator
    • Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling option is selected
    • Click Next
    • Specify toolchain file location: ../opencv_project/opencv/platforms/android/android.toolchain.cmake
    • Click Finish
  • Every thing is RED!
  • Use Search box to check the following entries, if not found, add them:
    • ANDROID_SDK_TARGET Value: android-27 (the platform version that was downloaded in Prologue)
    • OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH Value: ../opencv_project/contrib/modules
    • For Windows only: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM Value: ../MINGW_INSTALL_DIR/bin/mingw32-make.exe
    • WITH_CAROTENE Value: Not ticked
    • BUILD_ZLIB Value: Ticked
  • Click Configure
  • If some entries are still RED, click Configure again
  • Lastly Click Generate

2. step; Compiling the project:

  • For Windows:
    • Navigate to ../MINGW_INSTALL_DIR/msys/1.0
    • Run msys.bat
    • In the CMD window:
      • Execute cd "../opencv_project/build/"
      • Execute mingw32-make (takes a while to finish ~40min)
      • Execute mingw32-make install
  • For Linux:
    • Execute cd "../opencv_project/build/"
    • Execute make (takes a while to finish ~40min)
    • Execute make install

3. step; Android Studio:

  • Open Android Studio
  • Create a new project with these parameters:
    • Select Include C++ support
    • Choose minimum API 23
    • Pick Empty Activity
    • Select C++ standart: C++11
  • Note: During the following steps, Android Studio might ask you to install missing packages, do so
  • Switch from Android to Project view
  • Make Android Studio use the old ndk:
    • Click File-> Project Structure...
    • Select SDK Location
    • Set the Android NDK location as ../opencv_project/ndk-r16b
    • Click OK
  • Import the compiled opencv project as a module:
    • Open File-> New-> Import Module...
    • As Source directory select ../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/java
    • Leave the module name as it is (further in this guide OPENCV_MOD)
    • Click Next
    • Click Finish
  • Remove uses-sdk tag from AndroidManifest.xml located in opencv_module_name/src/main
  • Add OPENCV_MOD as a dependency to the main app:
    • Open File-> Project Structure...:
    • Select app from the list
    • Select Dependecies tab
    • Click the + sign: Select Module dependecy
    • Select OPENCV_MOD from the list
    • Click OK
    • Click OK in Project Structure
  • Set the following values in OPENCV_MOD/build.gradle to the same values as in app/build.gradle:
  • Expand OPENCV_MOD and app directories in project view and open both build.gradle
  • Check compileSdkVersion is the same
  • Check minSdkVersion is the same
  • Check targetSdkVersion is the same
  • Click Sync Now
  • Creating jniLibs directory:
    • Expand app/src/main
    • Right click main directory
    • Select New-> Folder-> JNI Folder
    • Select Change folder Location
    • Input src/main/jniLibs into New Folder Location
    • Click Finish
  • Open File Explorer navigate to ../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/native/libs:
    • Copy the armeabi-v7a directory into app/src/main/jniLibs
    • Click OK
  • Add the following line in app/build.gradle file, inside externalNativeBuild{...} block:
    • ndk { abiFilter "armeabi-v7a" }
    • Click Sync Now
  • Linking the libraries, open app/CMakeList.txt:
    • Note: Full path is required here; Remember to change PROJECT_NAME
    • Add the following lines after add_library(...) and before find_library(...):
    • include_directories("../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/native/jni/include")
    • link_directories("../AndroidStudioProjects/PROJECT_NAME/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a")
    • Add the following lines after find_library(...) and before target_link_libraries(...):
    • file(GLOB PARTYLIBS "../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/native/3rdparty/libs/armeabi-v7a/*.a")
    • file(GLOB CVLIBS "../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/native/staticlibs/armeabi-v7a/*.a")
    • Add the following lines inside target_link_libraries(...) method between native-lib and ${log-lib}:
    • ${CVLIBS}
    • ${PARTYLIBS}
    • ${CVLIBS}
    • Click Sync Now

Epilogue; Make sure it works:

  • C++
  • Navigate to app/src/main/cpp and open native-lib.cpp:
    • Add #include <opencv2/aruco.hpp>
    • Replace the contents of stringFromJNI function with:
    • std::string hello = "Hello from C++";
    • cv::Mat test;
    • hello += " test";
    • return env->NewStringUTF(hello.c_str());
  • If errors are present, high chance that the libraries are not linked:
    • Check CMakeList.txt for typos
    • In project view, check if libopencv_java{number}.so is under jniLibs/armeabi-v7a directory
    • In explorer, check if ../opencv_project/build/install/sdk/native/staticlibs/armeabi-v7a/ contains all the built libs aruco, etc
  • Java
  • Navigate to app/src/main/java/ and open
    • Add import org.opencv.core.Mat;
    • Add System.loadLibrary("opencv_java4"); after System.loadLibrary("native-lib");
    • Replace the contents of onCreate method with:
    • super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    • setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
    • Mat test = new Mat();
    • TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
    • tv.setText(stringFromJNI() + " " + test.depth());
  • If errors are present:
    • Check if OPENCV_MOD is set as a dependency
    • Check if the jniLibs folder is used instead of jni


How to compile the latest OpenCV + Aruco libraries on Windows or Linux and import them into Android Studio project.







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