npx nuxi init -t github:nuxt-ui-pro/saas
Make sure to install the dependencies:
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install
# yarn
yarn install
# bun
bun install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
# npm
npm run dev
# pnpm
pnpm run dev
# yarn
yarn dev
# bun
bun run dev
Build the application for production:
# npm
npm run build
# pnpm
pnpm run build
# yarn
yarn build
# bun
bun run build
Locally preview production build:
# npm
npm run preview
# pnpm
pnpm run preview
# yarn
yarn preview
# bun
bun run preview
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.
Add @nuxthq/studio
dependency to your package.json:
# npm
npm install --save-dev @nuxthq/studio
# pnpm
pnpm add -D @nuxthq/studio
# yarn
yarn add -D @nuxthq/studio
# bun
bun add -d @nuxthq/studio
Add this module to your nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
Read more on Nuxt Studio docs.
Install Renovate GitHub app on your repository and you are good to go.
Toutes les classes Tailwing CSS peuvent être utilisée. Par exemple pour mettre le texte en gras:
- Callout centré ::div ::callout
color: "amber" icon: "i-heroicons-light-bulb" to: "" target: "_blank" class: max-w-52 mx-auto
Hello world :: ::
- Tabs avec et sans HTML ::tabs ::div{label=Code icon=i-heroicons-code-bracket-square} Hello ::
World :: ::
- Bouton centré ::div{class="text-center"} Button ::
Liste des familles installées: ['heroicons', 'simple-icons', 'ic', 'mdi', 'icon-park-outline', 'octicon', 'carbon', 'ep', 'uil', 'eos-icons', 'vaadin', 'fluent', 'ri', 'material-symbols', 'gg', 'ic', 'circle-flags', 'iconoir', 'logos', 'cib', 'ph', 'map', 'hugeicons', 'oui', 'solar', 'tdesign']