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Maksudur Rahman Maateen edited this page May 13, 2016 · 1 revision

Avro phonetic for Linux

Avro phonetic implementation for Linux in IBus.

Installation & Usage

Ubuntu 16.04 (32/64-bit)

  1. Please run these commands from the terminal. Never forget to be in relevant directory.

    wget ""
    sudo dpkg -i avro_2.0-1_all.deb

    If you get any dependency error, then also run the following command:

    sudo apt-get install -f

    I hope, all is well now and the installation has been finished.

  2. Go to System Settings -> Language Support from Unity Launcher

  3. Look at the Keyboard input method system

  4. Select IBus and close the window.

  5. I believe that you need to restart IBus to make everything work fine. Try the following command:

    ibus restart
  6. Now go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Text Entry.

  7. Search and add Avro Phonetic as input source. That's all.


IBus Engine by Sarim Khan

Avro JavaScript Phonetic Library by Rifat Nabi

Avro Phonetic Dictionary Search Library by Mehdi Hasan Khan

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (multi-arch) Binary Package by Maksudur Rahman Maateen

Licensed under Mozilla Public License 1.1 ("MPL"), an open source/free software license.

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