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Dan K. Snelson edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 12 revisions

Nudge v1.1.0 is a significant upgrade and includes more than 30 bug fixes and requested features from Mac Admins.


New features:

Preference Changes

  • attemptToFetchMajorUpgrade now defaults to true, allowing major upgrades to macOS Monterey and higher by default.
    • Major upgrades utilize softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer to download installers for Apple Silicon and Intel Macs.
      • The logic also requires setting majorUpgradeAppPath.
      • Caution: Please be aware that Install macOS will most likely be auto-launched after softwareupdate --fetch-full-installer completes.
    • Alternate major upgrade workflows will work if you pre-seed an Install and configure majorUpgradeAppPath with the path.

UI Changes

  • Displays negative integer numbers for Days Remaining field on simpleMode and standardMode. (Prior functionality always showed 0.) The color also changes to bold/red once the number is negative.
  • additionalDeviceInfo button (?) now properly shows the help/mouse icon when hovering over the button on simpleMode and standardMode
  • Fixed various alignment issues/UI jumping in simpleMode when using dualQuitButtons.
  • If you do not specify screenShotDarkPath for dark mode or screenShotLightPath for light mode and forceScreenShotIcon is set to false (the default), the mainContentText will take the full area of the combined pixel height for the screenShot and mainContentText.
    • Alternatively, if you pass these fields and the screen shots do not exist, this behavior will also be displayed.
    • This behavior allows more information to be shown on the mainContentText
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