A public blog of Maceo Cardinale Kwik
Hello, thank you for joining me here on my blog. I am a computer science student at Virginia Tech.
The reason I am making this blog is to both get much better at using Markdown and document my coding journey for both myself and anyone interested.
So, more about me: I am a 19 year old CS student fron New York City growing up in Brooklyn. I always want to learn and the way I learn best is via summarizing my knowledge and teaching it to others (thus this blog). I want to get a job in tech but I honestly feel that I havent explored enough to really niche down and say that I have truely found something that captivates my interest enough to work with it in a commited setting like a job.
Other than the fact that it is made by me (wow!). It is also going to follow me on a new goal of becoming a better techie every day and documenting that progress.
This will be done in the following ways:
- Learning something new via online resources
- Starting, completing, and working on projects
- Documenting my failures
- Noting what I could have done diffferently and what I would want others to learn though me via my failure
- Sharing my future directions after that
- Talking about my daily life as a CS student and sharing how it relates to my future as a developer
Before you say anything I know its not that unique, but just let me imagine for a moment
Anyways, thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you enjoy to watch my struggle.