Single Page Application aggregating diverse environmental data from multiple APIs and presenting it through a concise Bento-style UI.
React, Vite, TailwindCSS, Lucide, Swiper, Pako, proj4, DepartureMono, Recharts
- Weather: Open Weather Map
- Sun: Sunrise-sunset
- Webcams: Windy
- Moon: Meteoblue (4485 12/12, 10/06)
- Night sky: David Lorenz
- Aurora forecast: NOAA SWPC
- Air quality: WAQI
- City search: Nominatim OSM
- Satellite: Windy
- CSS dynamic states 🟢
- Sun Recharts doesn't work anymore for an unknown reason 🟢
- Webcam Swiper w-full doesn't work anymore for an unknown reason 🟡
- Text size and responsiveness 🟠 (1024x1366, 1440x900)
- Menu behavior 🔴
- 🟢
- Metric/US units 🟢
- Sun Card design 🟢
- No data/Error handling for each card 🔴
- Weather 🟢
- Weather Forecast 🟢
- Sun 🟢
- Moon 🟢 alternative
- Satellite Imagery 🟢
- Webcams 🟢
- Air quality score and pollutant 🟢
- Aurora forecast (Kp-index) 🟢
- Light pollution and bortle 🟢
- Coordinates GPS (different formats) 🟢
- Map viewer (terrain, vegetation, water, roads, buildings etc) 🔴
- Allergies pollutant level (grass, birch) 🔴
- Ecoregion, biome, climate 🔴
- Native/potential fauna, flora
- Soil and geology infos 🔴
- Altimeter 🔴
- Nearby water lake, river, ocean etc 🔴
- Marine tides, water temp etc 🔴
- Noise pollution level 🔴
- UV 🔴
- Disaster alert 🔴
- City info (population, density, currency etc.) 🔴
- Trends (infos, socials) 🔴
- Fetching improved 🔴
- Limit fetch per user (limits and error handling) 🔴
- Caching data 🔴
🟢 100% done 🟡 75% done 🟠 50% done 🟤 25% done 🔴 0% done