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AI in games project. Bomberman game written in python using pygame.


  1. Create virtual env with your favourite tool
  2. Activate it
  3. To install required dependencies (based on your system) run


Run GUI:




This bot picks random path, drop the bomb and run away to the safe place.

DFS bot

This bot picks shortest path to the destroyable object using DFS algorithm, drop the bomb and run away to the safe place.

Q-learning based bot

This bot picks the best move based on the Q table

Deep Q-learning based bot

This bot picks the best move using neural network

Training bots


1. Write reward function

def get_reward(player_alive: bool, action: Action, is_move_possible: bool,
                suicide: bool, kills: int, destroyed_boxes: int) -> float:
    return reward


  • player_alive: bool
    True if the bot is alive, otherwise False
  • action: Action
    The action chosen by bot in given moment
  • is_move_possible: bool
    True if action is possible, otherwise False
  • suicide: bool
    True if the bot killed himself with his bomb, otherwise False
  • kills: int
    How many enemies the bot's bombs killed in given moment
  • destroyed_boxes: int
    How many boxes the bot's bombs destroyed in given moment

2. Init model

model = Model()

3. Load Qtable (optional) - use to finetune model or continue training from save

model.load(path: str)


  • path: str
    Path to file with qtable

4. Compile model

model.compile(get_reward: Callable, state_type: str,state_range: int,
                min_enemy_dist: int, learning_rate=0.1, discount=0.98,
                epsilon=0.1, de=0.01, gamma=0.9, n_past_states=10)


  • get_reward: Callable
    reward function
  • state_type: str
    Type of state used by bot. Possible 'full', 'circle', 'square', 'cross'
  • state_range: int
    Radius of the bot surrounding shape
  • min_enemy_dist: int
    Minimum distance from enemies included in state
  • learning_rate: float
    Learning rate parameter
  • discount: float
    Discount factor
  • epsilon : float
    Exploration chance
  • de : float
    Parameter to decreasing epsilon at the end of the epoch
  • gamma : float
    Factor to update past states (gamma ^ t[i]) * reward, where i in [0..n_past_states]. The earlier the state, the less it improves.
  • n_past_states: int
    How many past states to update

5. Set game

model.set_game(grid: np.ndarray[int], en1_alg: Algorithm, en2_alg: Algorithm,
                en3_alg: Algorithm, box_density: int | Tuple[int, int] = 5,
                shuffle_positions: bool = True, max_playing_time=120)


  • grid: np.ndarray[int]
    A map of the maze for players. Ground = 0, unbreakable wall = 1,
  • en1_alg: Algorithm
    Algorithm of the first enemy
  • en2_alg: Algorithm
    Algorithm of the second enemy
  • en3_alg: Algorithm
    Algorithm of the third enemy
  • box_density: int | Tuple[int, int]
    How densely the boxes are to be arranged on the map
  • shuffle_positions: bool = True
    Whether to shuffle players' positions
  • max_playing_time: int = 120
    Maximum time for gameplay

6. Fit int = 10, episodes: int = 1000, start_epoch: int = 0,
            show_game: bool = False, path_to_save: str = 'qtable.csv',
            log_file: str = 'log.csv')


  • epochs: int = 10
    The number of epochs to train the model.
  • episodes: int = 1000
    The number of episodes to run.
  • start_epoch: int = 0
    The starting epoch for training.
  • show_game: bool = False
    Whether to display the game during training.
  • path_to_save: str = 'qtable.csv'
    The path to save the Q-table.
  • log_file: str = 'log.csv'
    The path to save the log file.

Deep-Q network based bot

In progress...



Game mechanics based on: