The branch behat is used to demonstrate the usage of Behat with Symfony Page ([Tutoriel] Test Behat sur un projet Symfony [FR]).
The branch symfony_510 is used to demonstrate the new implementation of the Symfony Security component (Double authentification et Symfony 5.1 [FR]).
- Symfony client
- Composer
- PHP 7.4 (ext: sqlite3 + Symfony requirement)
- Yarn 1.21
Clone this repository or download archive
Open a terminal and run their following commands:
$ composer install
$ yarn install
$ yarn encore dev
On the first install, run this command to make a new database: bin/console doctrine:database:create
Run all migration to initialize the database (the database is already configured to use SQLite)
Note: if you have a database from the v1.0.0 run this command:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:sync-metadata-storage
$ bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
Open the database with your favorite SQLite browser and add a row into the user
To define the password, use this command to encode it : bin/console security:encode-password
Run this command in a console (caution, the console will be busy):
$ symfony serve
Open the link in your favorite web browser.
The login uses a two-factor authentication. When your browser is redirected to code form (after username/password form) read the dump value in the Symfony debug bar. This code is the two-factor code.