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Alex edited this page Jul 13, 2013 · 65 revisions

The Lua Parser is a quest parser for EQEmu that uses the Lua embedded programming language.

We use Lua 5.1 so the Lua 5.1 Manual applies. Section 2 is a bit of a dense read but may be of particular Integererest to those just getting started with Lua.

The rest of this guide assumes you know Lua 5.1, if you don't then it wont make sense at parts and you'll end up asking stupid questions so please learn it before you go further.

Table of Contents

Init Scripts

On Lua Parser reload it will attempt to load two scripts with no function env.

  • ./quests/zone/script_init.lua
  • ./quests/global/script_init.lua

These are useful for setting up modules to load automatically or for loading encounters.


Modules are bits of code or compiled libraries that lua can load with require("module_name"). They are akin to the perl plugin system and can be loaded from:

  • ./lua_modules/module_name.lua

NPC Scripts

NPC Scripts are quest scripts that are attached to NPCs (most quests follow this format). NPCs will load a script on the first event that triggers them (almost always the spawn event) and they will load one and only one from the following location. Which ever it finds first in the following order:

  • ./quests/zone/npcid.lua
  • ./quests/zone/npcname.lua
  • ./quests/global/npcid.lua
  • ./quests/global/npcname.lua
  • ./quests/zone/default.lua
  • ./quests/global/default.lua

NPCs will also attempt to load a global NPC script that is attached to all NPCs from the following location:

  • ./quests/global/global_npc.lua

Player Scripts

Player Scripts are quest scripts attached to Players. Players will load a script on the first event that triggers them and they will load one and only one from the following location. Which ever it finds first in the following order:

  • ./quests/zone/player_v[instance_version].lua
  • ./quests/zone/player.lua
  • ./quests/global/player.lua

Players will also attempt to load a global Player script that is attached to all Players from the following location:

  • ./quests/global/player.lua

Item Scripts

Item Scripts are quest scripts attached to Items. Items will load a script on the first event that triggers them and will load one and only one from the following location. Which ever it finds first in the following order:

  • ./quests/zone/items/item_script.lua
  • ./quests/global/items/item_script.lua
  • ./quests/zone/items/default.lua
  • ./quests/global/items/default.lua

The format of the item_script is as follows:

If ScriptFileID != 0
	item_script = "script_" + ScriptFileID
Else If CharmFile != ""
	item_script = CharmFile
	item_script = item_id

Spell Scripts

Spell Scripts are quest scripts attached to Spells. Spells will load a script on the first event that triggers them and will load one and only one from the following location. Which ever it finds first in the following order:

  • ./quests/zone/spells/spell_id.lua
  • ./quests/global/spells/spell_id.lua
  • ./quests/zone/spells/default.lua
  • ./quests/global/spells/default.lua

Encounter Scripts

Encounter scripts are quest scripts that are only loaded after explicitly called with:


They will load one and only one from the following location. Which ever it finds first in the following order:

  • ./quests/zone/encounters/name.lua
  • ./quests/global/encounters/name.lua

Encounter scripts listen for specific events from other script types with the following functions:

Void register_npc_event(String name, Integer evt, Integer npc_id, luafunction func);
Void register_player_event(String name, Integer evt, luafunction func);
Void register_item_event(String name, Integer evt, Integer item_id, luafunction func);
Void register_spell_event(String name, Integer evt, Integer spell_id, luafunction func);

Note: Passing a value of -1 for npc, item or spell id to watch will watch every npc, item or spell for those events.


  • Encounter scripts cannot properly catch EVENT_COMMAND or EVENT_TRADE unless an existing quest is already listening for them.
  • Encounter scripts also run before any normal script.

NPC Events

  • event_say

Triggered when a client has a npc targeted, the npc is not in combat and they /say something. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
	String message;
	Integer language;
  • event_trade

Triggered when a client trades money or items to a npc. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
	Trade trade;

The Trade table has the following structure:

	ItemInst item1;
	ItemInst item2;
	ItemInst item3;
	ItemInst item4;
	Integer copper;
	Integer silver;
	Integer gold;
	Integer platinum;
  • event_death

Triggered when the npc dies. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Mob other;
	Integer damage;
	Spell spell;
	Integer skill_id;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cancel the death

  • event_death_complete

Triggered when the npc dies and the death is complete. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Mob other;
	Integer damage;
	Spell spell;
	Integer skill_id;
  • event_spawn

Triggered when the npc spawns for the first time. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
  • event_combat

Triggered when the the combat state of a npc changes Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Boolean joined;
  • event_slay

Triggered when this npc slays an enemy Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Mob other;
  • event_waypoint_arrive

Triggered when this npc arrives at a grid waypoint Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer wp;
  • event_waypoint_depart

Triggered when this npc departs from a grid waypoint Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer wp;
  • event_timer

Triggered when a timer attached to this npc is triggered Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	String timer;
  • event_signal

Triggered when this npc receives a signal Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer signal;
  • event_hp

Triggered when this npc falls below the last hp event or rises above the last inc hp event. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer hp_event;
	Integer inc_hp_event;
  • event_enter

Triggered when a client enters our set proximity. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
  • event_exit

Triggered when a client exits our set proximity. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
  • event_cast_on

Triggered when a spell is cast on this npc. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Spell spell;
  • event_aggro_say

Triggered when a client has a npc targeted and they /say something. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
	String message;
	Integer language;
  • event_proximity_say

Triggered when a client has a npc targeted, the npc is not in combat and they /say something. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
	String message;
	Integer language;
  • event_cast

Triggered when this npc finishes casting a spell. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Spell spell;
  • event_cast_begin

Triggered when this npc begins casting a spell. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Spell spell;
  • event_target_change

Triggered when this npc has its' target change. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Mob other;
  • event_hate_list

Triggered when a target is added/removed to/from this npc's hatelist. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Boolean joined;
  • event_feign_death

Triggered when a client attempts to feign death against this npc. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;

Returning a non-zero value will cancel the feign death

  • event_task_accepted

Triggered when a client accepts a task offered by this npc. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Client other;
	Integer task_id;
  • event_enter_area

Triggered when a npc enters an area defined by the quest system. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer area_id;
	Integer area_type;
  • event_leave_area

Triggered when a npc leaves an area defined by the quest system. Passes an event table as an argument:

	NPC self;
	Integer area_id;
	Integer area_type;

Player Events

  • event_say

Triggered when a client /says something. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	String message;
	Integer language;
  • event_death

Triggered when a client dies. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Mob other;
	Integer damage;
	Spell spell;
	Integer skill;

Returning a non-zero value will cancel the death.

  • event_death_complete

Triggered when a client dies and the death is complete. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Mob other;
	Integer damage;
	Spell spell;
	Integer skill;
  • event_timer

Triggered when a timer attached to this client expires. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	String timer;
  • event_signal

Triggered when a client is signaled. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer signal;
  • event_enter_zone

Triggered when a client enters the zone. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_click_door

Triggered when a client clicks on a door. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Door door;
  • event_loot

Triggered when a client loots an item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	ItemInst item;
  • event_zone

Triggered when a client attempts to zone to a new zone. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer zone_id;
  • event_level_up

Triggered when a client levels up. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_task_stage_complete

Triggered when a client completes a task stage. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer task_id;
	Integer activity_id;
  • event_task_update

Triggered when a client has a task update progress. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer task_id;
	Integer activity_id;
	Integer count;
  • event_task_complete

Triggered when a client has a task complete. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer task_id;
	Integer activity_id;
	Integer count;
  • event_task_fail

Triggered when a client has a task fail. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer task_id;
  • event_player_pickup

Triggered when a client picks an item up. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	ItemInst item;
  • event_popup_response

Triggered when a client picks an item up. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer popup_id;
  • event_cast

Triggered when a client finishes casting a spell. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Spell spell;
  • event_cast_begin

Triggered when a client starts casting a spell. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Spell spell;
  • event_target_change

Triggered when a client changes their target. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_combine_success

Triggered when a client successfully combines a tradeskill recipe. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer recipe_id;
	String recipe_name;
  • event_combine_failure

Triggered when a client fails to combine a tradeskill recipe. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer recipe_id;
	String recipe_name;
  • event_group_change

Triggered when a client changes their group. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_forage_success

Triggered when a client forages an item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	ItemInst item;
  • event_forage_failure

Triggered when a client fails to forage an item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_fish_start

Triggered when a client starts to fish. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_fish_success

Triggered when a client catches something while fishing. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	ItemInst item;
  • event_fish_failure

Triggered when a client fails to catch something while fishing. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_click_object

Triggered when a client clicks on an object. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Object object;
  • event_discover_item

Triggered when a client discovers an item (eg: the item is first seen on the server by this player). Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Item item;
  • event_disconnect

Triggered when a client disconnects from the server. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_connect

Triggered when a client zones in for the first time from world. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
  • event_duel_win

Triggered when a client wins a duel. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Client other;
  • event_duel_lose

Triggered when a client loses a duel. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Client other;
  • event_command

Triggered when a client enters a #command. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	String command;
	StringArray args;

Returning a non-zero value will suppress the command not found message

  • event_feign_death

Triggered when a client feigns death. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	NPC other;

If a non-zero value is returned from this function then the feign death is canceled in the same way it is on the NPC version of event_feign_death.

  • event_enter_area

Triggered when a client enters an area defined by the quest system. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer area_id;
	Integer area_type;
  • event_leave_area

Triggered when a client leaves an area defined by the quest system. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer area_id;
	Integer area_type;
  • event_respawn

Triggered when a client clicks respawn on the respawn window. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Integer option;
	Boolean resurrect;
  • event_unhandled_opcode

Triggered when a client sends/receives an unhandled opcode. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Client self;
	Packet packet;
	Boolean connecting;

Item Events

  • event_timer

Triggered when a timer attached to this item expires. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	String timer;
  • event_scale_calc

Triggered on a timer every 10 seconds for a scaling item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
  • event_item_enter_zone

Triggered when a client enters the zone with this item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
  • event_item_click

Triggered when a client right clicks an item. Only works on SoF+ clients. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	Integer slot_id;
  • event_item_click_cast

Triggered when a client right clicks an item to cast a spell with it. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	Integer slot_id;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cause the spell effect attached to the clicky item to not trigger.

  • event_item_tick

Triggered by a timer every 10 seconds randomly (driven by a db table). Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
  • event_drop_item

Triggered when a client attempts to drop an item on the ground. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;

Returning a non-zero value will make the item not actually be dropped on the ground.

  • event_destroy_item

Triggered when a client attempts to destroy an item on the ground. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
  • event_weapon_proc

Triggered when a client procs when using this item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	Mob target;
	Spell spell;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cause the proc spell to not cast at all.

  • event_loot

Triggered when a client loots this item from a corpse Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	Corpse corpse;
  • event_augment_item

Triggered when a client augments this item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	ItemInst aug;
	Integer slot_id;
  • event_unaugment_item

Triggered when a client unaugments this item. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	ItemInst aug;
	Integer slot_id;
  • event_augment_insert

Triggered when a client inserts this item into another as an augment. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	ItemInst item;
	Integer slot_id;
  • event_augment_remove

Triggered when a client inserts this item into another as an augment. Passes an event table as an argument:

	ItemInst self;
	Client owner;
	ItemInst item;
	Integer slot_id;
	Booleanean destroyed;

Spell Events

  • event_spell_effect

Triggered when a spell affects a target. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Spell self;
	Mob target;
	Integer buff_slot;
	Integer caster_id;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cancel the spell effect.

  • event_spell_buff_tic

Triggered when a spell tics on a target. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Spell self;
	Mob target;
	Integer tics_remaining;
	Integer caster_level;
	Integer buff_slot;
	Integer caster_id;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cancel the buff tic.

  • event_spell_fade

Triggered when a spell fades from a target. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Spell self;
	Mob target;
	Integer buff_slot;
	Integer caster_id;
  • event_spell_effect_translocate_complete

Triggered when a translocate spell completes. Passes an event table as an argument:

	Spell self;
	Mob target;

Returning a non-zero value from this function will cancel the translocate.

Encounter Events

  • event_encounter_load

Triggered when an encounter is set to load. Passes an event table as an argument:

	String name;
  • event_encounter_unload

Triggered when an encounter is set to unload. Passes an event table as an argument:

	String name;




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