An Aweswm configuration for the AwesomeWM!
Fully async setup using the best-practices from Awesome documentation about awful implementation. Containing a fully modularized setup (through git submodules) as an "package manager" implementation, to easy support updates.
User interface aimed for a tiny, minimalistic and performatic setup. Using pure Lua code, together with AwesomeWM libraries:
- properly polished with async calls, using the best practices of Lua coding and Awesome awful methods;
- UI was built to be simple, distraction-free and minimalistic;
AwesomeWM Media Player Widget used in the wibar depends on Lua D-Bus Proxy to handle connections with D-Bus interface. Further instructions available here
Once the dependencies are installed, you just simply need to clone this repository and its submodules
git clone \
--recurse-submodules \
Further configurations are available [here]
Then you're good to go (: