WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) is a comprehensive integration solution that enables communication among various, disparate applications. WSO2 EI provides a tooling package which allows developers to develop integration solutions and deploy to the server. This container is useful for creating a CI/CD pipeline for build/test and deploy WSO2 EI artifacts. (E.g. Create CI/CD Pipeline with Travis/GitLab CI)
centos7-jdk8-mvn3.6-jmeter5.1, centos_latest, latest
Image is built on CentOS 7 and following software versions are installed in the container.
- OpenJDK 8
- Apache Maven: 3.6.1
- Apache JMeter: 5.1.1
- Ansible: latest
- Newman: latest
ubuntu18.04-jdk8-mvn3.6-jmeter5.1, ubuntu_latest
Image is built on Ubuntu 18.04 and following software versions are installed in the container.
- OpenJDK 8
- Apache Maven: 3.6.1
- Apache JMeter: 5.1.1
- Ansible: latest
- Newman: latest