defines a docker container running Arch Linux with the LAMP stack installed
A fork of greyltc's LAMP project, specifically for localhost development, with fixes for url rewrite.
- Install docker
- Download and start the LAMP server instance
docker run --name lamp -p 443:443 -d greyltc/lamp
- Test the LAMP server
Point your browser to:
if you've not used your own ssl certificate, as described below, you'll likely see browser warnings here about NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID click though those and you should see the default apache index. Follow the info.php link there and you should see detials of the php installation. - [Optional] Change your webserver root data storage location
It's likely desirable for your www root dir to be placed in a persistant storage location outside the docker container, on the host's file system for example. Let's imagine you wish to store your www files in a folder~/www
on the host's file system. Then insert the following into the docker startup command (from step 2. above) betweenrun
-v ~/www:/srv/http
UID 33 or GID 33 (http in the container image) must have at least read permissions for~/www
on the host system. Generally, it's enough to do:
chmod -R 770 ~/www; sudo chgrp -R 33 ~/www
Read this if you run into permissions issues in the container. - [Optional] Use your own ssl certificate
This image comes with a self-generated ssl certificate and so you'll get browser warnings when you access your server via https (but the connection will be encrypted with a private key that anyone can view by snooping around in the docker image). You can (& should) replace these self signed certificates with your own, properly generated cert files. Assuming you haveserver.crt
files in a directory~/sslCert
on the host machine:
sudo chown -R root ~/sslCert; sudo chgrp -R root ~/sslCert
sudo chmod 400 ~/sslCert/server.key
You can then add-v ~/sslCert:/root/sslKeys
to the docker run command line to use your ssl certificate files. - [Optional] Use the built in certbot client to fetch proper ssl certificate files from Let's Encrypt Follow the instructions here:'s-Encrypt
- [Optional] Stop the lamp docker server instance
docker stop lamp
- [Optional] Delete the lamp docker server instance (after stopping it)
docker rm lamp
- Profit.